Last Updated: 06 May 2024 07:07 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created on: 14 Nov 2019 09:00
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Spreadsheet Component

When is Spreadsheet for Blazor available or can i use Kendo Spreadsheat?


Alois Seidler 

Posted on: 15 Feb 2024 15:52
@Tyler Thank you for the update.  I appreciate the response and look forward to the release.  If there is any documentation/specs available ahead of the release that would be superb, but if not totally understandable.  
Posted on: 02 Feb 2024 15:28

Hi Brett,

I'm just a developer/user but I wanted to chime in. 

I have one client that is global (I mean a really large company) and exclusively uses spreadsheets, so you can imagine what a nightmare that has been for them.  Like your client, they hated the look and feel of grids.

It took awhile, but I have been able to produce a website that manages all that with Telerik's existing solution.  I can create pages that look and perform exactly like their spreadsheets do.  I use some raw html and css to do it.  It was a TON of work but once I got a template going it was better.

I'm on this chain because having that component would really help me out a ton, but I can tell you that it can be done without it.

I don't mean to stir the pot here, I'm just sayin...

From the experience I had with this client, I believe you probably have a bunch of work just to prepare for it.  Maybe you could start that and the release will dovetail in.  Again, just sayin...  I hope not to anger you, I'm just trying to help.



Posted on: 02 Feb 2024 15:10

Thank you, Lyubomir, I appreciate the explanation and while I understand, it was just disappointing.  It's a super important component to us because years ago, my company allowed direct SQL connections via Excel and we have some very important Spreadsheets that our users work with daily for their jobs.

I've been wanting to port them over to something that hits our API, but it MUST have the Spreadsheet feel, speed, infinite scrolling on lots of data, etc.  I tried reproducing it with the Blazor Grid, but it was just not the same and the users did not care for it.  I also really don't want to change the Excel spreadsheet over to hitting our API instead, but I could if I had to do that in the long run.

We played around with your ASP.NET MVC Spreadsheet component and were impressed and hopeful it could be our solution. We were told that the Blazor Spreadsheet component would be available Q1 2024.  So, we slated a project to start once it was released.

That is the backstory, hope it helps.  Thanks for everything Telerik does for your developers, you rock, and our applications would not be what they are today without your components.


Posted on: 02 Feb 2024 14:43

@Jermey - Our team is also waiting on this feature so I understand where you're coming from. That being said, a product team can deliver on a lot of things at the same time. It's likely very complex but won't be sped up by not delivering other features like AI Prompt. The saying "9 women can't make a baby in a month" comes to mind.

They are still on track with the date they are projecting so I don't see any issue here.

Posted on: 02 Feb 2024 13:36

Thanks for the reply Lyubomir, one of my biggest 'gripes' besides the timing is that you released a component called AI Prompt, which I cannot find on anywhere on the feedback portal or Roadmap pages for 2024.  I would appreciate an explanation on why something no one was asking for was released ahead of something many people are depending on your team to deliver.  

I need to know that our investment in your tools (which are great) has a reliable outcome.  Maybe we'll see it in a 5.1.1 release before mid 2024, which for most software companies means Q3.

Posted on: 02 Feb 2024 09:00

Hi Brett, Jeremy, and everyone,

I'm Lyubomir, the Product Manager for Telerik UI for Blazor. I want to clear up any confusion: the Spreadsheet component is currently in active development. Meanwhile, rest assured that rolling out other new features or components will not impact its release timeline.

As Dimo mentioned, the Spreadsheet component was not planned for a February release. We are aiming for a launch by mid-2024, consistent with the previously communicated timeline by me. When we get closer to the exact release, we will also confirm it officially by adding a label to this request.

Thank you for your understanding and support. If you have any further questions or concerns, I'm here to help.

Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our public roadmap and feedback portal pages! Or perhaps, if you are new to our Telerik family, check out our getting started resources!
Posted on: 01 Feb 2024 22:25
I have to agree, this is very disappointing.  We had our development team slated to do a big project using this component and now we will have to decide if are we going to wait or look for something different.  
Posted on: 01 Feb 2024 22:24
Now I have to go use ComponentOne which is very frustrating to plan around something being available and then it's not.
Posted on: 01 Feb 2024 22:22
This was supposed to be delivered last year, why is it pushed again and why did you add an AI prompt component that wasn't ever on the roadmap instead?  Totally not what your customers need.
Posted on: 31 Jan 2024 17:04

Hello Kai,

We are currently working on the Spreadsheet and plan to release it in the summer of 2024. I am not sure where does February 2024 come from - has there been a misunderstanding somewhere?

The current official roadmap is here:

When we assign a specific release, we will add it to the status label on this page.

It's true that last year we intended to deliver the Spreadsheet earlier, but we had to reschedule it.

Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our public roadmap and feedback portal pages! Or perhaps, if you are new to our Telerik family, check out our getting started resources!
Posted on: 29 Jan 2024 06:15
Is it sure that spreadsheet component for blazor can be released on February 14, 2024?
Posted on: 20 Sep 2023 08:20

Hi Tom, Sami, everyone

I am Lyubomir and I am the Product Manager for Telerik UI for Blazor. I want to apologize if the roamdap changes have caused any disruption, and I truly appreciate your understanding and continuing support.

We had to make some adjustments to our plans due to the evolving nature of the Blazor framework and upcoming enhancements in .NET 8. Consequently, the Spreadsheet component was postponed for the first half of 2024. We will use this time to gather additional feedback and ensure that we deliver a robust Spreadsheet component that meets your requirements. I have already reached out to some of you directly via email. Tom, please expect an email invitation from me as well.

Your ongoing support and feedback means a lot to us. Thank you.

Regards, Lyubomir Atanasov Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our public roadmap and feedback portal pages! Or perhaps, if you are new to our Telerik family, check out our getting started resources!
Posted on: 18 Sep 2023 17:08
I see it is no longer on that page - that was quick!
Posted on: 18 Sep 2023 16:44

Below is a screenshot of the roadmap page where it indicates that the spreadsheet component is coming this year. It is listed as the first component in the list of what's coming! Anyone looking at the page would think it is coming in version 4.6 in October as it is the last release this year. So, based on your comments below, even the February 14, 2024, date is now in question?

Posted on: 18 Sep 2023 13:03


I wanted to post up to date information regarding the Telerik UI For Blazor Spreadsheet.

We are committed to delivering this component and can confirm it is part of our Planning. Our team is currently in a research phase and as such, does not have an exact release date just yet. However, we will update the status of this item as soon as we have an exact delivery date.

Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our public roadmap and feedback portal pages! Or perhaps, if you are new to our Telerik family, check out our getting started resources!
Posted on: 07 Jul 2023 06:44

Hello Sami,

Currently, the Spreadsheet component is scheduled for R1 2024 (2/14/2024). I want to assure you that we are committed to doing everything possible to meet that target date. Our development team is dedicated to delivering the feature within the planned timeline and ensuring its quality and functionality.

We understand the importance of timely delivery and the impact it has on your plans. Rest assured, we are prioritizing this feature and allocating the necessary resources to meet the set deadline. However, it's important to keep in mind that the development process for such complex features can sometimes encounter unforeseen challenges that may require adjustments to the timeline.

We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter.

Progress Telerik

As of R2 2023, the default icon type will be SVG instead of Font. See this blogpost for more information.
Posted on: 30 Jun 2023 08:21
is going to be ready on July?
Julio Cesar
Posted on: 04 Apr 2023 19:21
If you put a RadSpreadsheet component for BLAZOR you would be the first in your competition.
It is a very useful component.
With options to export to Excel or PDF
Posted on: 23 Sep 2022 20:37
Yes I have been waiting 3 years for this.  It still says unplanned.  Can we get this on the roadmap? 
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 30 Jan 2022 09:14

Hi Tyler,

The best way to know is to click the Follow button on the portal page. This will send you status update emails (e.g., when we know a release number).

You may also want to keep an eye on the roadmap page too, some ideas and plans may show up there earlier as it is a more fluid longer term plan, as opposed to a more certain shorter term plan that this portal shows.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

Learn about the important changes coming in UI for Blazor 3.0 in January 2022!
Posted on: 26 Jan 2022 09:11
Any thoughts on when this might be added to the plan. We would love this feature.
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 14 Nov 2019 09:24

Hi Alois,

I moved this ticket to the public Feedback portal so you can Follow the status of such a component. Here's a link so you can find it easily:

In the meantime you can use another component such as the Kendo jQuery Spreadsheet. The following KB article shows the basics of such an approach:


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

 UI for Blazor