Acro field values don't show in the PDF VIewer, although they display in the print preview dialog.
The problem still exists in version 2025.1.205 (8.0.0), exhibits exactly the same problem as originally reported and the originally supplied files should evidence the continued problem
This is a regression in version 8.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays the acro field values as expected.
In the scheduler for Ajax, the month view would put a k-other-month class on the cells from other months outside of the current one and those cells would have a different style (grayed day numbers or background, etc.). In the Blazor scheduler component it doesn't look like that class is being put on those cells anymore. The Telerik SCSS themes still allow for that class, so is there a way to add them or is there a workaround so that those cells can be re-styled similar to the way the Ajax Scheduler functions?
Acro field values don't show in the PDF VIewer, although they display in the print preview dialog.
This is a regression in version 7.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays the acro field values as expected.
Acro field values don't show in the PDF VIewer, although they display in the print preview dialog.
This is a regression in version 7.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays the acro field values as expected.
The Window can display as centered, but after the user moves or resizes it, the app is not able to center the Window programmatically.
The only possible workaround is to toggle the Window's Visible parameter:
<TelerikWindow @bind-Top="@Top" @bind-Left="@Left" Centered="@Centered" @bind-Visible="@Visible">
Drag or resize the Window and center it afterwards...
<TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => Visible = !Visible )">Toggle Window</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@OnCenterClick">Center</TelerikButton>
@code {
string Top { get; set; }
string Left { get; set; }
bool Centered = false;
bool Visible { get; set; } = true;
async Task OnCenterClick()
Visible = false;
await Task.Delay(1);
Top = Left = string.Empty;
Visible = true;
When double-clicking a cell in the All Day Row of the scheduler, one would expect that the IsAllDay field would be set to true in the SchedulerEditEventArgs similar to the way the start and end dates represent the date and time of the cell that was double-clicked. Unfortunately, the IsAllDay field is always false.
The following Repl taken from the demo reflects this:
Is there a way to determine if the double-clicked cell is in the All Day Row?
Please add support for automatic Grid table layout, which will allow column widths to be set by the browser, based on the cell content.
This is a huge task with many implications. We require large-enough customer demand before we start exploring or implementing it.
Everyone who is interested, please drop a few lines here and share:
Here are some thoughts on the matter:
HTML tables have two layout modes: auto and fixed. In auto layout, the table column widths depend on the content. In fixed layout, all column widths are equal or obey the set styles, no matter the content.
The Blazor Grid renders separate tables for its header cells and data cells. This allows the data area to scroll, while the header area remains visible at all times. The only reliable way to ensure column alignment between the two tables is to apply a fixed table-layout style. This results in the behavior, which we have described in the documentation.
The only way to have auto table layout in the Blazor Grid is to render the component as a single <table>, which is currently not available.
Possible workarounds include:
Here is are a few links on the matter:
Dear all,
Please, Can you send the source code for this template with Arabic language
Please add Arabic translate from right to left automatic when select Arabic language
With the new dock manager, I have a tab group that i am programmatically adding a new tab. When I add a new tab i would like it to be visible. I can see there is SelectedPaneId but I see in the documentation this is on init only. Please allow selecting a tab pane programmatically.
A possible workaround is to simulate user behavior and click the desired tab pane with JavaScript:
<TelerikButton OnClick="@OnButtonClick">Add Tab Pane</TelerikButton>
@for (int i = 1; i <= TabPaneCount; i++)
int paneIndex = i;
<DockManagerContentPane @key="@paneIndex" HeaderText="@( $"Tab {paneIndex}" )" Class="dynamic-tab-pane">
Tab Content @paneIndex
<script suppress-error="BL9992">
function selectLastTabPane () {
let tabPanes = document.querySelectorAll(".k-tabstrip-item .dynamic-tab-pane");
if (tabPanes.length > 0) {
let lastTabPane = tabPanes[tabPanes.length - 1];;
@code {
private int TabPaneCount { get; set; } = 2;
private bool ShouldSelectTabPane { get; set; }
private void OnButtonClick()
ShouldSelectTabPane = true;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (ShouldSelectTabPane)
ShouldSelectTabPane = false;
await Task.Delay(1); // wait for HTML to render
await js.InvokeVoidAsync("selectLastTabPane");
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
Telerik UI for Blazor requires unsafe-inline styles in order to render style attributes from the .NET runtime.
Please add support for strict CSS CSP without the need for unsafe inline styles.
Due to the complexity and required effort to add strict CSS CSP support:
Trying to upload a large file from a mobile device breaks the component.
Step to reproduce:
The issue can be reproduced only in version 8.0.0
The DateRangePicker's Calendar popup will navigate to the Min value when the user deletes the currently selected EndValue.
Select Start and End value.
Delete the End value.
The Calendar will show the Min value year, which is 1975 in this case. If Min is not set, the component will show 1900.
When copying from the Editor and pasting in Word (keep source formatting), basic stuff like font and font size are not kept.
The text will always become Times New Roman, and the font sizes are not the same, for example 14pt becomes 13.5pt...
Using IFrame-mode and injecting css to set default fonts since that is not supported in a proper way...
From what I can see you need to intercept the copy-event and fix the html like your competitors do (for example syncfusion)...