I've been looking at your Keyboard Navigation page:
If you are navigating in the Grid and arrow over to the "+" sign and press ENTER it expands the Details. Then you can press TAB to access the button within the details. Great. Your demo works fine.
However, on my grid, I have another grid in my Details section. I would like to be able to expand the Details section and then TAB into those details so I can access the link in the header of the grid, and also be able to use arrow keys to navigate around this sub grid. Well, honestly MOSTLY I just wanted to be able to tab to the "View Checkout History" link within the Details grid. See attached screenshot.
However, pressing TAB after expanding the details simply moves the focus to the first button in the next column of that row. It doesn't go into the Details section like your web demo does for a button.
Please expand your Keyboard Navigation capabilities to allow more navigation into the Details section other than just a button like your demo shows. I'll bet a lot of people probably have sub-grids within their details section.
We need a formal, Accordion component. This is missing like a sore thumb !
The Accordion should be the first component in the component list.
Using the panel bar is not the same as the functionality of Accordion. So, do not mark this request as a duplicate of a panel bar enhancement request.
This is a simple component and I request you to prioritize and release it urgently in the next release.
It appears there are some issues with encoding special characters in the DataSourceExtensions.ToODataString extension method.
See snippet below.
var ds = new DataSourceRequest()
Filters = [new FilterDescriptor("FieldName", FilterOperator.IsEqualTo, "Route #")],
Sorts = []
This results in a malformed url as the last part of of the query is interpreted as a fragment due to this character not being encoded.
Hello together,
we are running into a problem with TelerikPdfViewer. When clicking the download button, download starts and performs properly.
BUT: the downloaded PDF file does not match the PDF that was provided via Data="@PdfData". On download something internally prepends some text to the PDF:
–€À³JS.ReceiveByteArray’Æ ‘¢%PDF-1.7 %úûüý 3 0 obj <</ca 1.00000 /AIS false >> endobj 5 0 obj
The original PDF file starts at "%PDF-1.7" (end of first line). That part before (including that "JS.ReceiveByteArray") was somehow added during the download workflow by Telerik. We ensured that the PDF data we provided to the viewer (via Data="@PdfData") ist valid. We did so by inspecting the byte[]-Array manually in the debugger as well as downloading it via a JS function to the client.
This is how we are using the TelerikPdfViewer. But the error occurs no matter if we are handling the OnDownload-Event (setting the filename) or not handlign that event at all (i.e. eliminating the OnDownload="@OnPdfDownload" completely)
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@PdfData" Width="100%" Height="100%" Zoom="1m" OnDownload="@OnPdfDownload">
<PdfViewerToolBarPagerTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSpacer />
<PdfViewerToolBarZoomTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSelectionTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSearchTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSpacer />
<PdfViewerToolBarDownloadTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarPrintTool />
We use Telerik.UI.for.Blazor (6.2.0).
Thanks for your feedback on this issue and best regards!
After reading your documentation, it appears that the Pager Position enum only allows for the grid pager to be at the top OR the bottom of the grid.
It would be most excellent to allow it to be BOTH. For very large grids, it would be convenient for the user to see the grid at the very top, but if they do happen to need to scroll to the very bottom of the grid, seeing the pager component there would also be convenient for the user.
This is in regard to this page:
Please add a .Both option to the PagerPosition enum that allows both Top and Bottom at the same time.
Thanks! :)
When using nullable enums, their DisplayNameAttrute doesn't show in the Grid.
The bug is related to Enum DisplayName attributes are ignored in view mode of the Grid
Sample Code to reproduce the error:
If you change line 44 to a non-nullable field type, it crashes the grid with an error message in the CSS file. I have included the error message I get in my blazor app with the same code above, console then sources:
Describe the bug
The class 'k-tabstrip' item is missing in the rendering of the TabStrip component.
To Reproduce
1. Go to the following demo and open the DevTools:
2. Check the source of truth:
Actual results
The class 'k-tabstrip-item' is missing.
Expected behavior
The class 'k-tabstrip-item' to be present.
Additional context
ThemeBuilder generates styles for the items of the TabStrip component with selectors like these:
.k-tabstrip .k-tabstrip-items-wrapper .k-tabstrip-items.k-reset.k-tabstrip-items-start .k-item.k-tabstrip-item.k-active .k-link
This works in other technologies, such as Kendo React, but it doesn't take effect in Blazor applications because of the issue.
Reported through t.1672526.
When using the DropDownList component with less than seven items, there is extra whitespace:
In terms of user experience, this extra whitespace is clutter as it takes up visual space yet serves no viable purpose to the user. Clutter gives an unfinished appearance and should be removed if possible.
You can remove the extra whitespace by specifying Height and MaxHeight in the DropDownListSettings render fragment:
<TelerikDropDownList Data="@_dropDownData" @bind-Value="@_selectedPod">
<DropDownListPopupSettings Height="auto" MaxHeight="200px"/>
However, having to specify DropDownListSettings for every DropDownList component that has fewer than seven items is laborious and verbose. I would like there to be no extra whitespace in DropDownList components by default without having to specify DropDownListSettings.
Docking Control like WPF Docking Control: https://www.telerik.com/products/wpf/docking.aspx
Within the grids, be able to filter and group using And & Or statements. The following is our design.
I would like to have a Expand/Collapse All Grid Groups button in the Grid Header. I know this is possible to do so programmatically outside of the grid but my users want it inside the Grid.
When enabling/disabling a form element that is defined in a child component, the element is successfully disabled, however a console error occurs. The error occurs whether the child component makes the update or the parent makes the update through a passed parameter. The error does not occur for form elements defined in the parent. The error does not occur for basic html input elements defined in the child.
Element definition:
Update Code defined in child:
if (results.Data.Count > 1)
_elementSelectMode= true;
Console Error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Assertion failed - heap is currently locked
at mr (blazor.web.js:1:158963)
at Object.beginInvokeDotNetFromJS (blazor.web.js:1:157244)
at w.invokeDotNetMethodAsync (blazor.web.js:1:3978)
at C.invokeMethodAsync (blazor.web.js:1:5486)
at r.invokeMethodAsync (telerik-blazor.js:22:1272553)
at r.onBlur (telerik-blazor.js:22:1463592)
at ye.setOrRemoveAttributeOrProperty (blazor.web.js:1:28630)
at ye.applyAttribute (blazor.web.js:1:27574)
at ye.applyEdits (blazor.web.js:1:24601)
at ye.updateComponent (blazor.web.js:1:23606)
When a user hits the ENTER key at the end of their typing and expects the full text to be submitted, they potentially have partial text being submitted (depending on how quickly ENTER is hit). We know the general accepted solution is to set the DebounceDelay to zero, but we are using two-way binding with state management that results in a very laggy/delayed experience while typing is this is done.
Please allow pressing Enter or blurring the input to short-circuit the debouncing.
This request applies to all inputs - NumericTextBox, TextBox, TextArea, etc.
I saw the FloatingActionButton Web control available in KendoUI and ASP.NET Core and I would like it in UI for Blazor: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/floatingactionbutton/index
We are looking to port an angularjs web application to Blazor and I didn't see the diagram component similar to the one found in Kendo UI. It would be nice to see a viso-like component in UI for Blazor.
Thank you.
Please add group header template for the select components. There are two goals:
We use QueryableExtensions.ToDataSourceResultmethod to load some data in our component. And at some moment we need to cancel data loading. But ToDataSourceResult method doesn’t support CancellationToken. So we are forced to use a workaround and just ignore the task's result. But task is still executing and causing the performance hit…
It would be great if you implemented support for this feature!
I'm looking for what you have in WPF as we migrate ourselves over to Blazor - https://www.telerik.com/products/wpf/conversational-ui.aspx
For the time being, you can consider using the Kendo Chat widget as described in this sample project.
Good Morning,
I have recently started getting random and repeated Javascript errors when debugging my project using your controls for Blazor. It is completely random (sometimes happens immediately at project start, sometimes when navigating to a new page, sometimes when interacting with a control). It is ALWAYS the same error....
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'visible')
at __webpack_modules__.8219.constructor.onMouseEnter (https://localhost:44307/_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/js/telerik-blazor.js?v=ITaQSsBTBmdJoUpPr2KiZ7JwhfKjwa7SGa6zvlv9kkU:50:1442661)
I am using the most current version of your product. I have gone through your "Javascript Errors" page and have worked through all the suggestions. Nothing resolves it.
This is becoming a giant time sink while trying to work on a project. What can we do to get appropriate error handling on your end to prevent these issues?