Is it possible to get the map to support Geolocation? Something like whats on the openstreetmap website map where you can click the location button and the map then moves to where your location is. Maybe some event that we can listen on to get the Latitude and Longitude of the users location which we can then use to manipulate the map?
I would like to have a parameter to show or hide a clear button on TextBox.
Hi, I just came accross a bug in the TelerikStepper.
I try to create a custom version that switches to a custom success icon after a step is completed.
It contains the following codesnippets:
<TelerikStepper Linear="true" ValueChanged="@HandleValueChanged">
@for (int i = 0; i < IsValidArray.Length; i++)
<StepperStep Valid="@IsValidArray[i]"></StepperStep>
@code {
bool?[] IsValidArray = [null, null, null, null];
public void HandleValueChanged(int index)
for (int i = 0; i < IsValidArray.Length; i++)
IsValidArray[i] = index > i ? true : null;
Forward it works like expected:
When moving backwards it behaves strange:
Except if you are debugging (Visual Studio debugger), then everything works as expected:
Same thing can be achived when not debugging but clicking on the step a second time.
This can not be solved by adding the @key parameter as suggested in https://feedback.telerik.com/blazor/1659827-bug-in-the-telerikstepper-in-blazor from Hristian Stefanov!
Nevertheless, it turns out that the Task.Delay(1); seems to solve the Issue somehow.
Is this intended?
While your existing TileLayout seems to be striving for this it doesn't seem to function as intuitively, or perhaps it is supposed to but has bugs? Ideally I'd like to have a layout component that mimics what I see in the Azure portal, however I realize from other feedback tickets you're not going to do that. The ability to have gaps really makes the user experience better. I understand things have to be 'touching' (eg I can't just place something off into the bottom right corner of the screen by itself) but being able to do something like you see in the attached gridstack_basic_demo_img1.jpg would be great.
It seems easy to get into an odd state using the TileLayout, even creating gaps where I don't want them and I'm unable to fix it. For example in telerik_tilelayout_img1.jpg you see your demo page, I have the "Bounce Rate" box with a gap above it and for whatever reason I can't even bring it UP to fill the gap (dragging it up the red arrow path and dropping it gets rejected and the box floats back to where it is in the img).
I really want to use your TileLayout but I think using it as-is would really frustrate my userbase. Do you have plans to improve it's functionality and overall user experience?
Thanks for your consideration
It would be nice to be able to use Html markup in the ChartCategoryAxisLabel.
I can see in the documentation that it currently doesn't support this. I am curious if it is possible. Thank you.
Hi all,
Could you please add the OnBeforeActiveTabIndexChange event and allow cancellation (prevent) of ActiveTabIndexChanged in the handler?
I saw an example in the doc about how to prevent tab (index) change, but it is not sufficient because of:
- event if you won't change the tab index, the active tab is still being destroyed and recreated;
- we want to avoid keeping the tab in memory by using the PersistTabContent flag;
We need to prevent tab switching by showing the user a confirmation and reacting to the user's choice. We need to prevent the tab switching - not to post react and apply any kind of crutches.
We are happy with PersistFilterOnSelect, now the filter is more useful for a multi selection.
It is not wanted that the filter text is still there if the selection list is closed!! Please allow clearing the filter value upon closing.
The only possible way to currently clear the filter is to force the component re-render upon closing.
Here is an example: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/GeusuFbQ4971bi9S29.
I'm attempting to create a custom spreadsheet tool that updates the values of the cells the user has selected. The problem is that I can't get the current cell selection from the TelerikSpreadsheet control.
I attempted to get it by exporting it from the control and importing it into an XlsxFormatProvider. I thought what I needed might be in the 'Worksheet.ViewState.SelectionState.ActiveCellIndex' object but it always seems to be set to Cell[0,0]. Is there somewhere else I can find the selection?
The following code works but always updates A1.
byte[] excelFileContent = await SpreadsheetRef.ExportToExcelAsync();
XlsxFormatProvider formatProvider = new();
Workbook workbook = formatProvider.Import(excelFileContent);
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.ActiveWorksheet;
CellIndex cellRange = worksheet.ViewState.SelectionState.ActiveCellIndex;
byte[] newExcelFileContent;
using (MemoryStream ms = new())
formatProvider.Export(workbook, ms);
newExcelFileContent = ms.ToArray();
FileData = newExcelFileContent;
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
When using the grouped DropDownList and performing a search for a specific element, the DropDownList incorrectly displays the initially shown group instead of the group containing the searched element.
To reproduce the issue:When the option "AllowCustom" is enabled for a TelerikComboBox and the user types something above a certain speed, typed characters are lost. Here is a GIF showing the problem on the page https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/combobox/custom-values – I typed "123456", but end up with "1246" instead. In between the input field is showing some weird glitching.
Is there a way to have the TelerikComboBox behave normally, as it apparently did in versions prior to 4.3.0? We noticed this behavior only some time after upgrading from version 4.0.1, where everything still works properly.
documentation missing one extremely "silent" breaking change in grid data binding.
When binding/refreshing(subsequent reload) data to VARIABLE, there is "random" need to call grid.Rebind(); Mostly, when data are loaded outside of the grid, ie by some button, or another component. Used together with selected items and grouping enabled.
<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData" SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.Single" SelectedItems="..."
OnRowClick="@...r" @ref="GHL" ....>
prior v6.0, everything is OK:
protected async Task ReloadGrid(int? xid)
GridData= await LoadDatafromservice<TItem>...;
After upgrading same code, it silently not displaying data or cras.
new breaking behavior at v6.0 - hotfix, but "ugly one":
protected async Task ReloadGrid(int? xid)
GridData= await LoadDatafromservice<TItem>...;
GHL.Rebind(); //required, otherwise grid content(rows) is not update. Later the grid crash when selecting row etc. Old "rows" are still displayed;
Its weird to gues, where rebind is needed and where not. Previous versions acting as expected(async - task = no problem).
Make it documented, "what is correct" and when.
Or if it is a bug, please move it out from feature request.
Please consider adding to Blazor UI a drop-down treeview component with:
Thank you
Here is my demo DatePicker Demo
In Firefox, after I use the mouse to black all texts out, then DatePicker only selects the month field in the place holder. I expect to select all texts.
In Chrome or Edge, the DatePicker works as expected, after blacking texts out, it selects all texts in the place holder
Could you please check the issue?
Thanks and regards,
When the user drags a third column to the Grid Group Panel, it ends up being second, instead of last. It looks like each new column is inserted at index 1, instead of appended last (when this is the user's intent).
@using Telerik.DataSource
<p>Group by a third column, so that it should come last in the Group Panel:</p>
<TelerikGrid @ref="@GridRef"
OnStateInit="@( (GridStateEventArgs<Employee> args) => OnGridStateInit(args) )"
OnStateChanged="@( (GridStateEventArgs<Employee> args) => OnGridStateChanged(args) )">
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Name)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Team)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Salary)" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.OnVacation)" />
@code {
private TelerikGrid<Employee>? GridRef { get; set; }
private List<Employee> GridData { get; set; } = new();
private void OnGridStateInit(GridStateEventArgs<Employee> args)
args.GridState.GroupDescriptors = new List<GroupDescriptor>();
args.GridState.GroupDescriptors.Add(new GroupDescriptor()
Member = nameof(Employee.Team),
MemberType = typeof(string)
args.GridState.GroupDescriptors.Add(new GroupDescriptor()
Member = nameof(Employee.OnVacation),
MemberType = typeof(bool)
private async Task OnGridStateChanged(GridStateEventArgs<Employee> args)
if (args.PropertyName == "GroupDescriptors" && args.GridState.GroupDescriptors.Count > 2 && GridRef != null)
var secondGroupDescriptor = args.GridState.GroupDescriptors.ElementAt(1);
await GridRef.SetStateAsync(args.GridState);
protected override void OnInitialized()
var rnd = new Random();
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
GridData.Add(new Employee()
Id = i,
Name = "Name " + i,
Team = "Team " + (i % 4 + 1),
Salary = (decimal)rnd.Next(1000, 3000),
OnVacation = i % 3 == 0
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string Team { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public bool OnVacation { get; set; }
Hello, I like the Telerik PDF Viewer for Blazor, but it's not supporting Table of Contents (TOC) links. I would like to request this feature so that there are links in the TOC automatically. I'm using Blazor WebAssembly.
Thank you for considering my request.
I would like to be able to edit both Date and Time in Grid editing mode.
Telerik edit: Possible since version 3.1.0 with through the column EditorType parameter.