I have created an event series with the following RecurrenceRule:
However, it looks like the collection of days is not taken into consideration and the events are created for every day of the week as if I have only set:
RecurrenceRule = "FREQ=DAILY"
A possible workaround for the time being is to use "FREQ=WEEKLY" and extend the occurrence to the desired days of the week. For example, targeting the "Morning run" appointment: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cQuiFGOK01nSotIT28.
I am testing with a Blazor WASM Standalone app that uses Telerik UI for Blazor. I have a sample page with a button on click of which a predefined dialog (for example, alert) is shown. If you make some change on the page and hot reload is enabled, the button click no longer opens the predefined dialog. The dialog is shown only if I navigate to a different page.
Creating a new WebApp project template through the extension fails to build. This is caused by incorrect icon type in the MainLayout.razor file.
To make sure the app is correctly built, the Icon type should be FontIcon.
<TelerikButton Icon="@FontIcon.Menu"
OnClick="@( () => DrawerExpanded = !DrawerExpanded )" />
Related to PDF Viewer does not display editable Acro fields, which was fixed in version 8.0, but the problem with readonly Acro fields persisted.
This is a regression in version 7.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays all the acro field values as expected.
Support the recurrence rule to create multiple appointments per time slot. Examples of such rules are:
It would be nice to be able to configure a show/hide animation for windows.
ADMIN EDIT: This might include a form of a Shown event so that you could know when the content is rendered and available to, for example, focus a button or input. For more details see here
One can generally loop through a collection of items to create several TabStrip instances as shown in the Tabs Collection article.
However, when I am dynamically adding or removing tabs I am hitting a variety of problems targeting:
Please add support for dynamic tabs.
Like https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/combobox/custom-value and https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/dropdowns/multiselect/custom-values/ so the user can input tags on their own without them being in the app data source.
The following sample may be useful in implementing this in the meantime: https://github.com/telerik/blazor-ui/tree/master/multiselect/add-new-item
Hello I want to close a TelerikDialog using Esc key and this does not work sometimes. Run this REPL snippet please https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cnYrwUYq54FZ70xP17. Click into dialog title for instance and press Esc key. Nothing happens.
Very thanks.
If I group by a column, and one of the values in the column contains a forward slash ( '/'), then the value will not be grouped, the Grid ignores it.
The issue seems to occur only when LoadGroupsOnDemand is set to true.
A possible option for the time being is to disable the LoadGroupsOnDemand feature.
I am using ComboBox and I want to be able to filter by two model properties. To achieve this I have implemented custom filtering through the OnRead event. Additionally, I am ordering the data to first match the results from the one property, which also is used for the TextField, and after that to match the results from the other property. However, when the results are only from the match of the second property, there is no focus.
Here is a REPL example https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/wyaMQhEN108axXJ036
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Type "a": "Value test - ano" has the focus (the first option in the list)
Type "an": "Value test - ano" receives the focus (the first option in the list)
Type "ano": "Value test - ano" receives the focus (the first option in the list)
Type "anot": no item has focus despite the results being only "Another Value - val"
The RadioGroup's FocusAsync() method does not work. To reproduce, run this example and press the button: https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/radiogroup/overview#radiogroup-reference-and-methods
A possible workaround is to use JavaScript to focus the first or the selected <input> element:
@inject IJSRuntime js
<TelerikButton OnClick="@FocusRadioGroup">Focus RadioGroup</TelerikButton>
<TelerikRadioGroup Data="@RadioGroupData"
@* Move JavaScript code to a separate JS file in production *@
<script suppress-error="BL9992">function focusRadio(RadioGroupValue) {
var mrg = RadioGroupValue == null ?
document.querySelector(".my-radiogroup .k-radio-list-item input") :
document.querySelector(`.my-radiogroup .k-radio-list-item input[value='${RadioGroupValue}']`);
if (mrg) {
private int? RadioGroupValue { get; set; }
List<ListItem> RadioGroupData { get; set; } = new List<ListItem>() {
new ListItem { Id = 1, Text = "Foo" },
new ListItem { Id = 2, Text = "Bar" },
new ListItem { Id = 3, Text = "Baz" }
private async Task FocusRadioGroup()
await Task.Delay(1);
await js.InvokeVoidAsync("focusRadio", RadioGroupValue);
public class ListItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; } = string.Empty;