When a user invokes a Search tool, their intention is to directly write a text to search, therefore the edit for the search text should be focused immediately. In the current implementation, users have to manually focus the edit all the time, which is really inconvenient.
The Window can display as centered, but after the user moves or resizes it, the app is not able to center the Window programmatically.
The only possible workaround is to toggle the Window's Visible parameter:
<TelerikWindow @bind-Top="@Top" @bind-Left="@Left" Centered="@Centered" @bind-Visible="@Visible">
Drag or resize the Window and center it afterwards...
<TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => Visible = !Visible )">Toggle Window</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@OnCenterClick">Center</TelerikButton>
@code {
string Top { get; set; }
string Left { get; set; }
bool Centered = false;
bool Visible { get; set; } = true;
async Task OnCenterClick()
Visible = false;
await Task.Delay(1);
Top = Left = string.Empty;
Visible = true;
The feature request is to be able to customize the GridCsvExportOptions and GridExcelExportOptions from the API methods -
It will be useful to be able to customize the columns and data to be exported.
Telerik edit:
A possible workaround is to click the built-in Grid export buttons with JavaScript. With this approach, you will be able to use the built-in export options and events. Here is a REPL example.
I have recently downloaded the latest Telerik.UI for blazor 5.0.1
commercial and I tried converting a dotnet 8 project to a telerik
project using the context menu but the wizard says it can't be converted.
I created a new .net 9 Blazor WebApp from the template (lastest version).
Shouldn't we be using the new app.MapStaticAssets(); vs the old app.UseStaticFiles() ?
Also in the App.razor, should we not also be using the @Assets[] in the <link href? /> ie:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="@Assets["app.css"]" />
Not sure if the ImportMap is required. Anyway getting my information from the Microsoft website for updating from 8 to 9.
See Here: MS link to upgrade from 8 to 9.
Also, when I posted this "Contact Support", I am not able to select .Net 9 as my framework and WebApp as my blazor hosting model, so put it as .net 8
I am trying to change the orientation of the SplitPane after the DockManager has rendered but nothing changes. It seems like the parameter is not reactive.
A possible option for the time being is to dispose and reinitialize the DockManager when you want to change the SplitPane Orientation.
Here is a runnable sample: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QfYHboFl280vuIkL03.
When the Grid PageSize exceeds the current data count and the InputType is Input, the Pager content cannot gain focus with the keyboard.
Here is a test page. A possible workaround is to switch the InputType at runtime. Then the user will be able to focus inside the Pager.
In some scenarios you may need a bit of extra code to get the current Grid item count.
<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData"
<GridPagerSettings InputType="@GridPagerInputType"
PageSizes="@( new List<int?> { 2, 5 } )" />
<GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleModel.Name)" />
@code {
private List<SampleModel> GridData { get; set; } = new();
private int GridPageSize { get; set; } = 5;
//private PagerInputType GridPagerInputType { get; set; } = PagerInputType.Input;
private PagerInputType GridPagerInputType => GridPageSize >= GridData.Count ? PagerInputType.Buttons : PagerInputType.Input;
protected override void OnInitialized()
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
GridData.Add(new SampleModel()
Id = i,
Name = $"Name {i}"
public class SampleModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
I have a grid that can have a large number of pages and is intended to be able to be viewed on a small width device.
The issue is that upon loading the grid and its data, the pager of the grid isn't changing how it's displayed even though it is supposed to be adaptive.
If the page is manually resized, only then does the pager correctly show as a dropdown.
I've reproduced this in a REPL, though it seems slightly inconsistent as opposed to my main project where it is able to be reproduced every time.
In the attached gif, notice that upon loading the page, the grid shows the pager as a list of numbers as it would if the page was a large width screen, but when resizing the page slightly, it is triggered to show the pages as a dropdown, which I believe is the intended behavior.
Is this issue known and is there a way to trigger the grid to redraw its pager after the data is loaded, or some other form of workaround for this without implementing a custom pager template?
I have a requirement to design our own custom add/edit template form for scheduler control.
I looked at custom edit form example and found very helpful, However this example does not demonstrate how to use RecurrenceEditor and use them in custom template.
A Date/Time Picker is bound to a nullable DateTime value. If the user clears the value with the keyboard, the component will show as invalid (with red border). Instead, the picker should treat null values as valid.
Here is a test page with a few different workarounds:
<TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => DateValue = null )">Clear Value</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => DateValue = DateTime.Now )">Set Value</TelerikButton>
DateValue.HasValue: @DateValue.HasValue
<p>Default behavior:</p>
<TelerikDatePicker @bind-Value="@DateValue"
Width="200px" />
<p>Red border will disappear after blur (CSS):</p>
<TelerikDatePicker @bind-Value="@DateValue"
Class="@( !DateValue.HasValue ? "valid-null" : "" )" />
<p>Red border will never appear (CSS):</p>
<TelerikDatePicker @bind-Value="@DateValue"
Class="valid-null" />
<p>Red border will disappear after blur (OnChange):</p>
<TelerikDatePicker @bind-Value="@DateValue"
OnChange="@OnPickerChange" />
.k-input.k-invalid.valid-null {
border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
@code {
private DateTime? DateValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
private async Task OnPickerChange(object newValue)
DateTime? newDate = (DateTime?)newValue;
if (!newDate.HasValue)
DateValue = DateTime.Now;
await Task.Delay(1);
DateValue = null;
If I type the maximum value for a decimal (79228162514264337593543950335) and then try to increase the number through the arrow buttons, I get the following exception:
System.OverflowException: Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal.
The behavior is reproducible with or without setting the Max parameter to decimal.MaxValue: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mSuFwebI299wPCzV25.
I am trying to make the Blazor Gantt control fill a container width and height.
If I set the height of the Gantt control to 100%, it resizes to fill the container except for the tree part of the Gantt control as it stays at whatever size the window was when it first loaded.
===== ADMIN EDIT =====
Meanwhile, as a workaround, you can add a bool flag that will refresh the whole Gantt upon resizing the container. Here is an example of this approach I have prepared at the following REPL link.