Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024 10:29 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)

We need to support to upload large files (Bigger than 2.1GB). Typical data size we are dealing with is around 1 ~ 10GB

The current MaxFIleSize only support 2,147,483,648 (2GB) due to the use of type int.

Please change the type of MaxFileSize property of TelerikUpload control so that it support file uploading for more than 2.1GB.

Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 12:47 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Anders
Comments: 0
Category: SplitButton
Type: Bug Report
Setting the Id parameter assigns the same Id to both the primary and dropdown button HTML elements, which leads to redundancy.
Last Updated: 23 Jul 2024 12:53 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)

The "Bold" button in the code snippet below remains visible despite the fact that it's Visible property is false


        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Bold" Visible="false">Bold</ToolBarButton>
        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Italic">Italic</ToolBarButton>
        <ToolBarButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Underline">Underline</ToolBarButton>


Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 07:36 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Jerome
Comments: 8
Category: Filter
Type: Feature Request
Is there a way to create a custom template for the FilterField? I would like to create autocomplete/comboboxes for some of the options.
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 07:29 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Michael
Comments: 2
Category: DateInput
Type: Bug Report

The input should be focused after the user clicks the clear button.

Last Updated: 09 Jul 2024 10:48 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Nikolaj Herting
Comments: 2
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Please expose the ability to allow additional HTML attributes in the Editor content.


Provide support for:

  • custom attributes for the Editor elements
  • custom tags
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2024 10:57 by EMMANUEL
Release 2.30.0
Created by: Danilo
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I have a grid with the excell Export. Now I have two custom Export buttons on the Page (Over and under the Grid).

Can I somehow trigger the Grid Excell Export command Manually? 



Here is a workaround - a bit of JS to click the desired button and the second snippet shows how to invoke it from a blazor component and code.

        function clickButton(selector) {
            var btn = document.querySelector(selector);
            if (btn && {

@inject IJSRuntime _js

    /* hide the built-in button if you like */
    .myExcelExportButton {

<button @onclick="@MyExternalExportTrigger">my external export button</button>

<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData" Pageable="true" Sortable="true" Resizable="true" Reorderable="true"
             FilterMode="@GridFilterMode.FilterRow" Groupable="true"
        <GridCommandButton Class="@ExportBtnClass" Command="ExcelExport" Icon="@IconName.FileExcel">Export to Excel</GridCommandButton>
        <label><TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="@ExportAllPages" />Export All Pages</label>
        <GridExcelExport FileName="telerik-grid-export" AllPages="@ExportAllPages" />

        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.ProductId)" Title="ID" Width="100px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.ProductName)" Title="Product Name" Width="300px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.UnitsInStock)" Title="In stock" Width="100px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Price)" Title="Unit Price" Width="200px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.Discontinued)" Title="Discontinued" Width="100px" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(SampleData.FirstReleaseDate)" Title="Release Date" Width="300px" />

@code {
    // cascade through classes on the grid and/or on the built-in button to click it with JS
    // so that it can invoke the built-in export operations
    string GridClass { get; set; } = "MyGrid";
    string ExportBtnClass { get; set; } = "myExcelExportButton";
    async Task MyExternalExportTrigger()
        var selector = $".{GridClass} .k-header .{ExportBtnClass}";
        await _js.InvokeVoidAsync("clickButton", selector);

    List<SampleData> GridData { get; set; }
    bool ExportAllPages { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        GridData = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(x => new SampleData
            ProductId = x,
            ProductName = $"Product {x}",
            UnitsInStock = x * 2,
            Price = 3.14159m * x,
            Discontinued = x % 4 == 0,
            FirstReleaseDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x)

    public class SampleData
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public int UnitsInStock { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }
        public bool Discontinued { get; set; }
        public DateTime FirstReleaseDate { get; set; }


Last Updated: 04 Jul 2024 21:35 by Aldo
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)

In a filterable Grid, if a column is not bound to a field from the model the Grid uses, it throws with:

Error: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'nullableType')


The issue is reproducible :

  • For `FilterRow` -  on initialization even if the column is not filterable.
  • For `FilterMenu` - on initialization when the column is filterable.




A possible workaround for the time being is to set the FieldType of the column:

Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024 13:45 by Al
Created by: Al
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Request the TelerikNotification supports MarkupString or HTML or at least Multiline text
Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024 11:01 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Nathan
Comments: 2
Category: Popover
Type: Bug Report

A basic example of the issue is using the Popover with a Grid:

On initial load, the Popover is properly attached to the span elements in the Grid cells. If I filter, however, the elements are disposed and re-initialized - after that, the Popover is not attached to the new elements even though they have the same class used as a target selector.

Last Updated: 28 Jun 2024 14:12 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Andrew
Comments: 0
Category: ListView
Type: Bug Report

The DropDownButton/DropDownList in the ListView Template does not open on the user's click after a few interactions.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the REPL link.
  2. Click on the DropDownButton.
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2024 11:44 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)



Here is a workaround - using a bit of JS to clear the checked state of the checkbox element when you clear the SelectedItems collection:

At the end of this post you can find attached a sample project that showcases a more complex scenario where you may want to keep some rows selected but cancel the selection of others (in that sample, only one row with a given ItemType can be selected). It shows how you can get the index in the rendering of a particular row to use for a slightly modified version of the JS function.

@inject IJSRuntime _js

@* Move JavaScript code to a separate JS file in production *@
<script suppress-error="BL9992">
    function uncheckGrid() {
        var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll(".no-select .k-grid-checkbox");
        for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
            checkboxes[i].checked = false;

    .no-select {
        cursor: not-allowed;

    .no-select .k-checkbox {
        pointer-events: none;

<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData
             SelectedItemsChanged="@((IEnumerable<Employee> employeeList) => OnSelect(employeeList))"
        <GridCheckboxColumn SelectAll="true" OnCellRender="@OnGridCellRender" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Name)" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Team)" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Active)" />

@if (SelectedEmployees != null)
        @foreach (Employee employee in SelectedEmployees)

@code {
    private List<Employee> GridData { get; set; } = new List<Employee>();

    private IEnumerable<Employee> SelectedEmployees { get; set; } = new List<Employee>();

    private void OnGridCellRender(GridCellRenderEventArgs args)
        var product = (Employee)args.Item;
        if (!product.Active)
            args.Class = "no-select";

    protected void OnSelect(IEnumerable<Employee> newSelected)
        var validItemsToSelect = newSelected.Where(x => x.Active);
        SelectedEmployees = validItemsToSelect;
        if (validItemsToSelect.Count() < newSelected.Count())

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
            GridData.Add(new Employee()
                EmployeeId = i,
                Name = $"Employee {i}",
                Team = $"Team {i % 3 + 1}",
                Active = i % 2 == 0

    public class Employee
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public string Team { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public bool Active { get; set; }

Last Updated: 28 Jun 2024 09:01 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
When you have a Navigable Grid with a Material theme, the sorting on each click does not work. You have to click outside of the header and click again in it to sort. The behavior can be seen only in version 6.0.0.
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2024 05:40 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
The amount of clicks on the + button and the amount of mouse wheel scrolls is different if you refresh the Map component. 
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2024 05:30 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Eugenie
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

I would like the DropDownList to automatically detect the boundaries of the screen in order not to truncate items when the popup is opened.





The request is also valid for the rest of the popups including AutoComplete, ComboBox, Context Menu, MultiSelect.

This is also valid for the Window.

Last Updated: 24 Jun 2024 08:29 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)

Implementation of one or both of these features:

- Screen boundary detection: The list of child items expands to the opposite direction when necessary to prevent screen boundaries from being crossed.

- ExpandDirection: Gets or sets the direction in which child items will open.

Last Updated: 21 Jun 2024 12:44 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Ryan
Comments: 2
Category: Dialog
Type: Bug Report

There is a bug where DialogFactory is not resetting custom button text. In this example, if you click Show Prompt, the buttons are OK/CANCEL, then click Show Prompt with Title, Default Input Text and Custom Buttons, the buttons show READY/REJECT, clicking Show Prompt a second time will show the button text as READY/REJECT.

Last Updated: 20 Jun 2024 14:11 by Brian
Release 5.0.0 (15 Nov 2023) (R1 PI1)

I have a ComboBox/DropDownList that gets data from a remote service, using virtualization. When the PageSize property is big enough (in my case 20), I have issues scrolling up the selection box dropdown list. I'm trying to scroll but then resets to the currently selected item making it almost impossible to scroll up. You can use your own demo examples to replicate this issue.

To reproduce the issue, try the ComboBox - Virtualization, in Telerik REPL (Demo), change the PageSize from 10 to 20. Open the dropdown and select an item. Then, open again the dropdown and scroll slowly up.

Last Updated: 18 Jun 2024 12:58 by Brian
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
According to the Rendering Changes in 6.0.0 article, "k-level-0" CSS class should be added to the "li.k-drawer-item" element. This class, however, is never added.
Last Updated: 13 Jun 2024 11:43 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q3 (Aug)
Created by: Matthijs
Comments: 4
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the Edit in Telerik REPL link from the demo page for DropDownList - Grouping.
  2. Add Filterable="true" to TelerikDropDownList.
  3. Run.
  4. Open the dropdown.
  5. Type in for instance the last item of the list "Röd Kaviar", that belongs to the category "Seafood".

Expected: the group name should change to "Seafood".

Actual: the group name is still "Beverages".

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