When adding a form item to a form, and that form item is disabled, I still expected the validation tooltip to be displayed.
For example, the form item may be dynamically disabled because of previous missing criteria.
I've attached a sample project to reproduce the behavior in a simple scenario.
If the form items are enabled, then the tooltips appear as expected.
Until this issue is resolved, is there a simple work-around?
Thank you.
The described functionality listed on https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/window/stacking-windows
"The Telerik Window component for Blazor provides stacking z-index functionality that brings to front the component any time it receives focus."
doesn't appear to be working in the demo. When the one window receives focus the z-index does not change. This appears to not work correctly in the demo either.
There seems to be no System.Type that will allow a GridColumn to be specified with the 'FieldType' attribute to receive a TelerikTimePicker
typeof(DateTime) --> TelerikDateTimePicker
typeof(?) --> TelerikTimePicker
<TelerikGrid Data="@gridDataExpando" Width="100%" Sortable="false" Pageable="false" Resizable="true" ShowColumnMenu="false"
var firstItem = gridDataExpando.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstItem != null)
var dictionaryItem = firstItem as IDictionary<string, object>;
foreach (var item in dictionaryItem)
if (!item.Key.Contains("Id"))
<GridColumn Field="@(item.Key)" FieldType="@(this.GetDataType(item.Key))" Width="140px" DisplayFormat="{0:hh:mm:ss tt}">
I am using a CheckBoxList filter menu and I am setting an initial filter through the OnStateInit. I noticed that when the Grid initializes and I check all the boxes, the Grid does not show any records. For reference, if no initial filter is applied and all CheckBoxes are selected, the Grid shows all the records.
Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/GSbbbJut14K03I2x14.
As a workaround for the time being, you may create a custom Filter Menu.
I have spent a while looking for the feature to move the Footer Template to the first line of the Telerik grid. Is this currently possible with a parameter I'm unaware of? How possible would this be to do if not.
Kind Regards,
We use compact sized grid all the time in our application.
However, with sorting and filtering enabled, the icons take too much space in the header cell and make the actual header text hard to read.
Please consider scale down those icons and reduce padding.
Thanks and best regards,
Demo: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mSOIQZvO51cwrorJ49
To reduce the size of the icons and the font in a Compact Grid, you can follow the approach from the knowledge base article How to make Compact Grid elements smaller.
Currently the GridSearchBox is able to search in all of the visible columns but when it comes to searching in multiple columns split by space it does not work. Or even two different strings in the same cell.
If from the above grid, I type in the search box, "LT" three products will be returned but if I type "LT LD" it should return two products but the results set comes with nothing.
I have implemented CustomSearchBox component as a solution in the interim to achieve this functionality. But it would be a worthwhile effort to have this functionality out of the box.
Thank you.
Here is the scenario I would like to implement:
User has a default dashboard, with Customise functionality which would:
For loading and saving the dashboard with each tile having a specific content the easiest way I can see would be to bind the TelerikTileLayout to a data source:
<TelerikTileLayout Data="@TileData">
The data would be updated as and when the user configures their dashboard.
For dragging and dropping new tiles a set of events would be necessary, both on the source tile list, e.g. OnDragBegin and on the tile layout OnDrop.
I suggest adding a FieldExpression property to the GridColumn so a developer would not need to create view models and templates for simple transformations of the existing model's properties. The field expression would be used for filtering and sorting as well. Its type would be Func<T, object> or Expression<Func<T, object>>.
<TelerikGrid Data="@Persons">
<GridColumn FieldExpression="@(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)" />
Hi Telerik Team,
when using the (currently) latest versions of VS (17.11.0) and Blazor 8.0.8 runtimes (and custom css theme version 8.2.0) I get the following error when running my project in debug mode:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'classList')
> at e.addClass (https://localhost:7038/_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/js/telerik-blazor.js:50:1122923)
> at v.resetCallout (https://localhost:7038/_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/js/telerik-blazor.js:50:1372516)
> at v.adjustCalloutPosition (https://localhost:7038/_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/js/telerik-blazor.js:50:1372355)
> at e.invokeComponentMethod (https://localhost:7038/_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/js/telerik-blazor.js:50:1112736)
> at https://localhost:7038/_framework/blazor.webassembly.js:1:2878
> at new Promise (<anonymous>)
> at b.beginInvokeJSFromDotNet (https://localhost:7038/_framework/blazor.webassembly.js:1:2835)
> at Object.vn [as invokeJSJson] (https://localhost:7038/_framework/blazor.webassembly.js:1:58849)
> at https://localhost:7038/_framework/dotnet.runtime.
> at Ll (https://localhost:7038/_framework/dotnet.runtime.
It looks like the problem has something to do with a function that wants to set the css "k-callout-e" class to some object.
The problem appears in js when e is null in the following method:
In this case e = null and t = "k-callout-e". It seems there's no null check for e and VS 2022 reports the problem.
The debugger in VS cannot be disabled for js content as it seems it's the same debugger for Blazor itself.
When hitting F5 to continue multiple times the projects keeps running until it hits the same problem again.
In my project I added a single "TelerikTooltip" component for Tooltips. I tried disabling it but still the same problem.
Maybe the js code is used for some other component.
If you need more information just let me know.
Using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.11.0
Trying to create a new Telerik for Blazor project using Telerik C# Blazor Application Template.
Visual Studio freezes after I Name the project and click create. Only way to exit out of Visual Studio is to kill it through task manager.
Trying your project walk through for Blazor, RpsTrackingBlazor, After I add the nuget packages and try to add the using statement to _imports.razor as in the tutorial I get the error that the type or namespace name telerik could not be found.
Your project uses <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework>
I also tried framework net8.0
Please add a way to add, if it is missing in the item list, and set the selected item of a combobox programmatically. This will spare the need to call the remote source and have duplicate data.
Example: if you choose a city from a combobox and the city has all the information about the province, the province combobox should populate with the correct data without needing to call the remote source.
An Implementation of this could be:
public void SetSelectedItem(TItem item)
if (item == null)
ListDataItem clonedItem = CreateDataItem(item.Clone());
var dataItemToSelect = DataItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals(clonedItem.Value));
if (dataItemToSelect == null)
dataItemToSelect = clonedItem;
AddCustomValue(dataItemToSelect.Text, dataItemToSelect.Value, dataItemToSelect.DataItem);
Problem Statement:
We have the following blazor grid:
We have enabled the GridColumnMenuSettings
Now when we open the column chooser it does not disable for the last option.
When we don't have the GridCheckboxColumn then it works as intended
The last column option is disabled
Expected Result : We don't want the check box column to be shown in the column chooser and the last option to be unchecked in the column chooser needs to be disabled.
@* Use the Template to render the list of columns and add some custom styles *@
<TelerikGrid Data="@MyData"
<GridColumnMenuSettings Sortable="true"
FilterMode="@ColumnMenuFilterMode.None" />
<GridCheckboxColumn Width="80px" HeaderClass="header-select-all" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Id))" Width="80px" Title="Id" Id="id-column-id" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.FirstName))" Title="First Name" Id="firstname-column-id" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.LastName))" Title="Last Name" Id="lastname-column-id" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.CompanyName))" Title="Company" Id="companyname-column-id" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.Team))" Title="Team" Id="team-column-id" />
<GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.HireDate))" Title="Hire Date" Id="hiredate-column-id" />
@code {
public string TextboxValue { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public IEnumerable<SampleData> MyData = Enumerable.Range(1, 30).Select(x => new SampleData
Id = x,
FirstName = $"FirstName {x}",
LastName = $"LastName {x}",
CompanyName = $"Company {x}",
Team = "team " + x % 5,
HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x).Date
public class SampleData
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public string Team { get; set; }
public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
So what I propose is a fixed width for a column of the grid (and locked) with the remaining columns auto-sizing.
In my situation, I have an action switch button where the client can delete a row, edit a row etc but the action code dropdown column needs to ALWAYS be the same width. The rest of the columns should automatically size based on the existing behaviour.
Now I have tried using the autosize for just that column, but I have to render the grid first, then run the autosize (which gives a fun show of resizing to the user) then all the columns become fixed width, but the vertical scroll bar doesn't move and stays in its initial position.
I am creating a wrapper over the TelerikNumericTextBox component so that it works with all numeric data types (such as int, decimal, double, etc). I have added custom parameters for the Min and Max, and if they are not explicitly set I would like them to default to T.MinValue and T.MaxValue respectively.
Could it be possible to add an option to automatically add title property (containing text value) on every td?
We don't like 'multi-row' rows in a grid, so we use ellipsis with white-space no-wrap.. So it would be very useful to automatically add a title containing the text value of the cell (of course only for cells without a Template).
Otherwise we need to add a Template with a title to every column we already have, which is...
Thanks in advance!
Good Day,
I really like the ability to drag and drop between controls. I though feel very limited, by Telerik enforcing both controls to have the same underlying data model (or interface) as per this article.
How to Drag and Drop Different Models between Multiple Grids - Telerik UI for Blazor
What would really be great, if the "OnRowDrop" event could accept other data models. I have no particular view on how exactly this should be implemented. It should work for server and WASM environments.
An example could be, that the "dragged" row is of type object and not <TItem> and it is left to implementation code deal with different data models being dropped on the control.
//Something like this
private void OnRowDropHandler(GridRowDropEventArgs args)
if(args.Item is IParentSampleData)
else if (args.Item is SomeOtherModel)
//Whatever is needed...
Kind regards,
I use TelerikMultiSelect as a component for custom filter:
<TelerikMultiSelect Value="@(AlreadySelectedFilterValues(context.FilterDescriptor))"
OnChange="@((object newValue) => OnMenuFilterChange(newValue, context))"/>
Trying to render already selected filters gives two "magic" items in context.FilterDescriptor in AlreadySelectedFilterValues:
These items appear only if TelerikMultiSelect is empty. If I select some from MultySelect these two items disappear and everything works as expected.
GridState has an empty list of FilterDescriptos.
AggregatedAccountNames - string? column.
TFilterValues can be int, int? or string, no matter, the same behavior.
TFilterItemDto - class with int? Id and and string Name fields.
As expected value I expect to have empty FilterDescriptos if nothing was selected.