I've been looking at your Keyboard Navigation page:
If you are navigating in the Grid and arrow over to the "+" sign and press ENTER it expands the Details. Then you can press TAB to access the button within the details. Great. Your demo works fine.
However, on my grid, I have another grid in my Details section. I would like to be able to expand the Details section and then TAB into those details so I can access the link in the header of the grid, and also be able to use arrow keys to navigate around this sub grid. Well, honestly MOSTLY I just wanted to be able to tab to the "View Checkout History" link within the Details grid. See attached screenshot.
However, pressing TAB after expanding the details simply moves the focus to the first button in the next column of that row. It doesn't go into the Details section like your web demo does for a button.
Please expand your Keyboard Navigation capabilities to allow more navigation into the Details section other than just a button like your demo shows. I'll bet a lot of people probably have sub-grids within their details section.
I would like to use the new structs that are part of .NET6 - the DateOnly and TimeOnly.
Their support should extend to all respective date and time pickers and more complex components like the Grid, Gantt, Scheduler, and other applicable components.
When using the DropDownList component with less than seven items, there is extra whitespace:
In terms of user experience, this extra whitespace is clutter as it takes up visual space yet serves no viable purpose to the user. Clutter gives an unfinished appearance and should be removed if possible.
You can remove the extra whitespace by specifying Height and MaxHeight in the DropDownListSettings render fragment:
<TelerikDropDownList Data="@_dropDownData" @bind-Value="@_selectedPod">
<DropDownListPopupSettings Height="auto" MaxHeight="200px"/>
However, having to specify DropDownListSettings for every DropDownList component that has fewer than seven items is laborious and verbose. I would like there to be no extra whitespace in DropDownList components by default without having to specify DropDownListSettings.
Docking Control like WPF Docking Control: https://www.telerik.com/products/wpf/docking.aspx
Please add a feature to export the grid to a PDF file.
We have made two examples you can use for the time being to get a PDF document from the grid:
I saw the FloatingActionButton Web control available in KendoUI and ASP.NET Core and I would like it in UI for Blazor: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/floatingactionbutton/index
Add support for DateOnly and TimeOnly properties to the ToODataString() method in the DataSourceExtensions namespace.
@Steven I forked this thread from the already complete feature request Provide support for DateOnly and TimeOnly structs for the respective pickers
Currently DateOnly and TimeOnly types are not supported by the ToODataString() method. As a result, they are serialized with the default ToString() method. Please use DateTime instead or implement a custom serialization method. Downloading our source code and using the built-in method as a base is also an option.
Would you have any updates regarding this support for early 2024?Hello,
Please add support for sorting and filtering when the TreeList is data bound to a ExpandoObject. Currently these data operations throw an exception System.ArgumentException: Invalid property or field
TreeList REPL page with ExpandoObject
TELERIK EDIT: This public item was created as a bug and for both ExpandoObject and Dictionary support. However:
Please add support for sorting and filtering when the TreeList is data bound to a Dictionary. Currently this scenario throws a runtime exception:
Error: System.ArgumentException: Invalid property or field - 'Name' for type: Dictionary`2
Test page: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QGYqutaM03L3tMcr53
We need a formal, Accordion component. This is missing like a sore thumb !
The Accordion should be the first component in the component list.
Using the panel bar is not the same as the functionality of Accordion. So, do not mark this request as a duplicate of a panel bar enhancement request.
This is a simple component and I request you to prioritize and release it urgently in the next release.
You can trigger the animation for the Drawer component by calling ToggleAsync() on the reference to the Drawer component:
<TelerikButton OnClick="@(async Task () => await DrawerRef!.ToggleAsync())" />
However, when you toggle the Expanded parameter instead, it still toggles the Drawer but does not trigger the animation:
<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => Expanded = !Expanded)" />
As a result, if I want the Drawer component to be expanded by default, but I still want the user to be able to toggle it, I have to call ToggleAsync() on the reference to the component and bind the Expanded parameter, which is unnecessary verbose for such a common scenario:
<TelerikDrawer TItem="int" @ref="@DrawerRef" @bind-Expanded="@DrawerExpanded" Mode="@DrawerMode.Push">
private TelerikDrawer<int>? DrawerRef { get; set; }
private bool DrawerExpanded { get; set; } = true;
/// <remarks>
/// We can't toggle DrawerExpanded because that won't trigger the animation.
/// Only DrawerRef.ToggleAsync() triggers the animation.
/// </remarks>
private async Task ToggleDrawer() => await DrawerRef!.ToggleAsync();
I would like to trigger the animation for the Drawer component by toggling the Expanded parameter and not calling ToggleAsync() on the reference to the Drawer component. Toggling the Expanded parameter instead of calling a function on a reference to a component is a cleaner, simpler approach that better aligns with the philosophy of Blazor (using parameters rather than properties or functions on reference to components). Furthermore, this approach is used by various other Blazor component libraries such as MudBlazor, SyncFusion, and DevExpress. See:
After reading your documentation, it appears that the Pager Position enum only allows for the grid pager to be at the top OR the bottom of the grid.
It would be most excellent to allow it to be BOTH. For very large grids, it would be convenient for the user to see the grid at the very top, but if they do happen to need to scroll to the very bottom of the grid, seeing the pager component there would also be convenient for the user.
This is in regard to this page:
Please add a .Both option to the PagerPosition enum that allows both Top and Bottom at the same time.
Thanks! :)
I would like to be able to create Drawer Items in markup, not programmatically in code. Similar to https://feedback.telerik.com/blazor/1433539-declare-the-menu-items-in-markup-without-code. Ideally, I would like to have an implementation similar to MudBlazor's Drawer: https://www.mudblazor.com/components/drawer#usage.
<NavLink />
<NavLink />
Alternative Example:
<TelerikMenu />
Is it possible to have an Arc Gauge with multiple points? I want to be able to have one (or more) marked points along the arc.
Here is a rendering of what I am trying to achieve:
The center value (and progress along the arc) would be the 1.236 value whereas the 1 would be a marked point along the arc. It would be ideal if multiple marked points could be added.
I see that we can create Hierarchical Drawers by using the Template: Blazor Drawer Demos - Hierarchical Drawer | Telerik UI for Blazor.
However, implementing a Hierarchical Drawer through the Template is very verbose, complicated, and takes time to setup. This slows down initial development and future maintenance. With how common hierarchical sidebar menus are, I think there is significant value in updating the Telerik Drawer component to render hierarchical sidebar menus without the need to configure the Template or add other code.
Overall, I would like the Telerik Drawer component to automatically render a hierarchical sidebar menu by only passing in hierarchical data into the Data parameter and not having to configure the Template or provide additional code. Looking at MudBlazor's Navigation Menu component, they provide support for hierarchical sidebar menus up to four levels without any extra configuration.
Generally, I would expect Templates of components to only be necessary in uncommon scenarios. I would not consider hierarchical sidebar menus uncommon.