I am trying to upload files to an URL that is not in my control and it requires the PUT HTTP method. The Telerik Blazor Upload always uses a POST.
I imagine API like this would be nice:
<TelerikUpload SaveUrl="@SaveUrl" SaveMethod="PUT">
In the meantime, there are two possible solutions:
We need to support to upload large files (Bigger than 2.1GB). Typical data size we are dealing with is around 1 ~ 10GB
The current MaxFIleSize only support 2,147,483,648 (2GB) due to the use of type int.
Please change the type of MaxFileSize property of TelerikUpload control so that it support file uploading for more than 2.1GB.
When the Upload has Initial Files, the RemoveUrl endpoint is not called when the user removes them from the UI.
The current workaround is to call the RemoveUrl in the Upload's OnRemove event handler. This is also applicable when you need to send additional custom data with the file name.
.razor file
@inject HttpClient HttpClient
<TelerikUpload OnRemove="@OnUploadRemove" RemoveUrl="@RemoveUrl" />
@code {
private string RemoveUrl { get; set; } = "api/upload/remove";
private async Task OnUploadRemove(UploadEventArgs args)
// code for non-initial files
// send optional custom data to the controller
args.RequestData.Add("requestKey", "custom value");
// code for initial files
// call the RemoveUrl
if (args.Files.First().Status == UploadFileStatus.Blank)
var multipartContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
multipartContent.Add(new StringContent(args.Files.First().Name), "files"); // "files" must match the RemoveField value
multipartContent.Add(new StringContent("requestKey"), "custom value"); // send optional custom data to the controller
await HttpClient.PostAsync(RemoveUrl, multipartContent);
Accessibility issue
impacts screen reader user
[WCAG 1.3.1 level A] [WCAG 4.1.3 level AA]
tested using NVDA on chrome browser
on selecting upload button (w/ files already chosen) user is not advised the overall status of the files or individual files.
A visual user is informed;
This has not been 100% tested, as the upload was not targeted to an end point.
Suggestion: use aria-live
Also note, on selecting the upload button the focus is returned to input, and input says no files.
Like in the Kendo Upload https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/upload/configuration/files - I want to show some files initially to my user
A possible workaround is to use a ListView and mimic the Upload/FileSelect interface:
<TelerikUpload SaveUrl="api/upload/save"
if (OldFiles.Any())
<p>Older files:</p>
<div class="k-upload">
<ul class="k-upload-files k-reset">
<TelerikListView Data="@OldFiles" @ref="@ListView">
<li class="k-file k-file-success">
<div class="k-file-single">
<span class="k-file-group-wrapper">
<span class="k-file-group k-icon k-i-file"></span>
<span class="k-file-name-size-wrapper">
<span class="k-file-name " title="@context.Name"> @context.Name </span>
<span class="k-file-validation-message k-text-success">Existing file.</span>
<span class="k-upload-status">
<TelerikButton ButtonType="@ButtonType.Button" Title="Remove"
OnClick="@( _ => RemoveOldFile(context) )"
Icon="x" FillMode="@ThemeConstants.Button.FillMode.Flat" />
@code {
TelerikListView<UploadedFile> ListView { get; set; }
List<UploadedFile> OldFiles { get; set; } = new List<UploadedFile>()
new UploadedFile() { Id = 1, Name = "foo.txt" },
new UploadedFile() { Id = 2, Name = "bar.txt" },
async Task RemoveOldFile(UploadedFile file)
// delete the file from the remote server...
// ...
// update the client UI
public class UploadedFile
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I would like to have the upload component but change the text on the button (or maybe its entire content through a render fragment template) through a Parameter on the component level.
At the moment I can only do this through localization for all components.
The request targets both the Upload and the FileSelect components.
Please provide item templates for the file list, similar to:
Impacts screen reader users
[WCAG 1.3.1 level A] [WCAG 4.1.3 level AA]
tested using NVDA on chrome browser
input (type="file") status always reads as 'no file chosen' when one or more files have been chosen (correct when no files are chosen).
on choosing a file to upload (so no file chosen yet), screen reader advises; web page title, chrome, page contents, file input status (same behaviour as default html 5 file input). On choosing a file a default browser html 5 file input will advise a file has been chosen. The list shown below the Telerik component is not known to a screen reader user
impacts keyboard user
[WCAG 2.1.1 level A]
tested using NVDA on chrome browser
the ability to remove, review, & navigate (with direction keys) each item chosen for upload is not directly accessible via a keyboard, To overcome this the user needs a screen reader to read line by line.
At least, a screen reader user can do the following inside the list:
Ref: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/upload/initialfiles
TelerikUpload control is a good start. However, missing an important feature of initial files. When can we expect this feature to be added to the control?
<TelerikUpload SaveUrl="@SaveUrl"
AllowedExtensions="@( new List<string>() { ".pdf", ".docx" } )"
When the AllowedExtensions is set for the Telerik Upload control, it is expected that the File selection dialog box should filter the files by the file types in the Allowed extensions only. However, the dialog shows all files.
This will likely be exposed via the accept attribute the <input type=file> exposes. Note that it requires MIME types, not extensions.
At the moment, the extension can be filtered only after the file is selected: https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/upload/validation.
The upload status hangs on "Uploading..." if the Upload component is hosted in a Dialog and the OnSuccess event is used.
As a workaround, you can host the Upload in a Window, where this issue is not present