Please expose events for size and position changes of the DockManager floating panes, which are created by the user at runtime. The events should have the same purpose as the existing ones for declarative floating panes (i.e. the <DockManagerSplitPanes> inside <DockManagerFloatingPanes>):
In my scenario, the TileLayout has only one column, so the user can only reorder the tiles vertically. For example:
Based on the current behavior, for example, to drag tile 1 under tile 2, you must drag the tile to one of the following zones to free up space on which you can drop the tile:
The zones in question are marked in red here:
When the TileLayout has only one column, I think it would be more intuitive if one can drag a tile to the vertical middle of the tile you want to replace and then the space is freed up. The suggested zone is marked with green here:
The problematic behavior can be reproduced in the following case:
In this scenario, when the user filters, the popup position remains unchanged but its height is reduced to fit the filter results. Thus, the popup looks detached from the main element. The behavior is not the same when the popup is rendered below the main element as in this case its top part sticks to the main element.
As a workaround for the time being, you can ensure that the popup has a fixed height, so it does not collapse when there are less items to show. You may keep the default popup height or set your desired one through the settings tag. For example: DropDownList is supposed to open the popup element when Alt-Down is pressed. This doesn't work if the page itself scrolls. Pressing alt-down scrolls the page instead. This is on macOS Safari and Chrome on a MacBook.
The Grid performance worsens progressively with each subsequent edit operation. Please optimize that.
Test page:
Click on a Price or Quantity cell to start edit mode and tab repetitively to observe the degradation.
I want to detect when a user has added or removed an annotation in the PDF Viewer.
Please expose a parameter to show or hide the "Select files..." button inside the empty PDF Viewer.
Currently, a possible workaround is to use CSS. Additionally, you may configure the Toolbar to not include the "Open" tool.
.no-open .k-blank-page {
display: none;
/* Use these selectors if you want to separately target the upload or the dropzone */
/* .no-open .k-external-dropzone,
.no-open .k-upload{
display: none;
} */
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@PdfSource"
<PdfViewerToolBarDownloadTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarPrintTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSpacer />
<PdfViewerToolBarPagerTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSpacer />
<PdfViewerToolBarZoomTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSelectionTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSearchTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarAnnotationsTool />
@code {
private byte[] PdfSource { get; set; }
private bool LoaderVisible { get; set; }
private async Task OnPdfOpen(PdfViewerOpenEventArgs args)
// Cancel the event for additional precaution in case someone bypasses the CSS and forces the page to show the button and the dropzone.
args.IsCancelled = true;
Once a user has clicked an appointment to select it, I'd like the ability to clear this selection. For example, if you show one set of appointments, then click a radio button on the page to switch to a different set of appointments, I'd like to clear the selection so that no appointment is selected. The way it works now, the component appears to store the index of the selected appointment and then re-apply that when it's rendered with new appointments.
More context here:
Here are some details on the issue I am referring to:
When the MaskedTextBox is not focused and has no value, the Floating Label displays over the textbox as expected, however, the mask itself remains visible.
Here is a test example with a CSS workaround:
<TelerikFloatingLabel Text="Floating Label Over Mask">
<TelerikMaskedTextBox @bind-Value="@MaskedValue"
Class="mask-with-label" />
@if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MaskedValue))
.mask-with-label input:not(:focus) {
color: transparent;
@code {
private string MaskedValue { get; set; } = string.Empty;
I have a Telerik Pager within a Telerik Grid. If I select a larger page size within the pager, then select a smaller size and do not scroll, the next time I open the pager, the dropdown portion opens in the wrong place. When I view the inspect tool, it appears that the CSS top value is not being updated when changing page sizes from bigger to smaller. Is this a Telerik limitation with the pager?
In the images, we select items per page from 10 to 25, and then we go immediately from 25 to 10 items per page. Without scrolling, we click into the drop down list again and we are able to replicate this issue.
Before: Items per page: 10 -> 25
Thank you in advance.
Currently, when a user exports the Grid to Excel/CSV/PDF, the export file is generated as a base64 string.
Please provide the file as a byte[] instead of a base64 string for better performance.
This is a continuation of public item DatePicker, TimePicker and DateTimePicker should accept null value as valid when bound to nullable DateTime
The problem persist when:
Test page with workarounds:
Bug due to week day format string inconsistency between .NET and JavaScript (dddd vs EEEE):
<TelerikDateTimePicker @bind-Value="@SelectedTime"
<DateTimePickerFormatPlaceholder Weekday="week" />
<br />
<br />
Bug due to usage of a standard date format string:
<TelerikDatePicker @bind-Value="@SelectedTime"
<DateTimePickerFormatPlaceholder Day="dd" Month="mm" Year="yyyy" />
@code {
private DateTime? SelectedTime = DateTime.Now;