Last Updated: 22 Jan 2025 14:05 by Lars Park
When attempting to format Chart series labels using the "F2" format to display two decimal places, the format does not apply, and the values are displayed without decimals.
Last Updated: 12 Dec 2024 13:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Federico
Comments: 0
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
Can I suggest you a feature request to expand the ChartSeriesClickEventArgs with the MouseEventArgs information?
Last Updated: 22 Nov 2024 09:34 by ADMIN

I am creating a Donut Chart and believe I have found a bug. On the initial load of the page, the donut chart element is not playing its animation when the label property "Visible=false". Instead, it pops on with no animation. The animations do play on the drilldown elements on their initial loads, but clicking the refresh chart button also causes this behavior even on drilldown levels. Resetting the drilldown also causes this behavior. The chart legend remains visible during the time when the chart is not. Setting the labels visible property to true causes the animations to play correctly. This proof of concept utilizes static data. The application was created using the telerik templates and is correctly injecting the telerik components as all other telerik components, including other chart components, are functioning as expected. I have isolated the code for the donut chart and posted it here.


<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => DonutChart.Refresh())">Refresh Donut Chart</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => DonutChart.ResetDrilldownLevel(0))">Reset DrillDown</TelerikButton>
<!-- Donut Chart -->
<TelerikChart @ref="DonutChart">
    <ChartTitle Text="Donut Chart" />
    <ChartLegend Position="Telerik.Blazor.ChartLegendPosition.Right" />
        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Donut"
            <ChartSeriesBorder Color="white" Width="2" />
            <ChartSeriesLabels Position="ChartSeriesLabelsPosition.Above"

@code {
    // Donut Chart
    public TelerikChart DonutChart;

    public class DonutModel
        public string Category { get; set; }
        public int Number { get; set; }
        public string SegmentColor { get; set; }
        public ChartSeriesDescriptor? DrillDown { get; set; }

    public List<DonutModel> donutData = new List<DonutModel>
        new DonutModel
            Category = "Category 1 with Drilldown",
            Number = 263,
            SegmentColor = "#9d3cc7",
            DrillDown = new ChartSeriesDescriptor
                Name = "Drilldowns",
                Type = ChartSeriesType.Donut,
                Field = nameof(DonutModel.Number),
                CategoryField = nameof(DonutModel.Category),
                DrilldownField = nameof(DonutModel.DrillDown),
                Data = new List<DonutModel>()
                    new DonutModel
                        Category = "Drill Down 1",
                        Number = 102,
                        SegmentColor = "#9d3cc7",
                        DrillDown = new ChartSeriesDescriptor
                            Name = "People",
                            Type = ChartSeriesType.Donut,
                            Field = nameof(DonutModel.Number),
                            CategoryField = nameof(DonutModel.Category),
                            Data = new List<DonutModel>()
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "John Doe",
                                    Number = 27,
                                    SegmentColor = "#9d3cc7"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "David Smith",
                                    Number = 45,
                                    SegmentColor = "green"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "Mary Johnson",
                                    Number = 63,
                                    SegmentColor = "yellow"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "Robert Brown",
                                    Number = 56,
                                    SegmentColor = "orange"
                    new DonutModel
                        Category = "Drilldown 2",
                        Number = 67,
                        SegmentColor = "green",
                        DrillDown = new ChartSeriesDescriptor
                            Name = "People",
                            Type = ChartSeriesType.Donut,
                            Field = nameof(DonutModel.Number),
                            CategoryField = nameof(DonutModel.Category),
                            Data = new List<DonutModel>()
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "John Doe",
                                    Number = 15,
                                    SegmentColor = "#9d3cc7"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "David Smith",
                                    Number = 17,
                                    SegmentColor = "green"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "Mary Johnson",
                                    Number = 19,
                                    SegmentColor = "yellow"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "Robert Brown",
                                    Number = 16,
                                    SegmentColor = "orange"
                    new DonutModel
                        Category = "Drilldown 3",
                        Number = 10,
                        SegmentColor = "orange",
                        DrillDown = new ChartSeriesDescriptor
                            Name = "People",
                            Type = ChartSeriesType.Donut,
                            Field = nameof(DonutModel.Number),
                            CategoryField = nameof(DonutModel.Category),
                            Data = new List<DonutModel>()
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "John Doe",
                                    Number = 3,
                                    SegmentColor = "#9d3cc7"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "David Smith",
                                    Number = 4,
                                    SegmentColor = "green"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "Mary Johnson",
                                    Number = 1,
                                    SegmentColor = "yellow"
                                new DonutModel
                                    Category = "Robert Brown",
                                    Number = 2,
                                    SegmentColor = "orange"
        new DonutModel
            Category = "Category 2 with no Drilldown",
            Number = 31,
            SegmentColor = "#fab933"
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2024 11:38 by ADMIN
Release 4.5.0 (08/30/2023) (R3 PI2)
Created by: Daniela
Comments: 4
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
I would like to be able to click on the labels of the X-axis of a Chart. An event similar to the OnSeriesClick would be suitable.
Last Updated: 09 Oct 2024 11:28 by Daniela
Created by: Daniela
Comments: 0
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request

When OnAxisLabelClick is set, the ChartCategoryAxisLabels do not get 'cursor: pointer' which is confusing for users because it makes it appear as if the axis labels are not clickable when they actually are.


In the meantime add the cursor: pointer CSS style to the labels. Here is a REPL example:


Last Updated: 25 Sep 2024 10:29 by ADMIN

Can the dev team comment on any known reasons why Charts (I think both SVG and Canvas) might not display when a blazor page is rendered from an automation tool like Chromium, Puppeteer, etc.? (e.g., https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer).

I have a standard blazor page that I can manually from a standard Chrome window, and it works fine and the Telerik chart displays.

But the same page, when launched either headless or with a GUI browser window, from a tool like Chromium or Puppeteer (with javascript enabled of course), it seems like the DOM is never dynamically updated to include the chart.

Last Updated: 20 Sep 2024 11:42 by William

For real-time data purposes, I need to update the data and add new items. If I drill down and then add a new item, the Chart refreshes and goes to the top page (resets the drill down level to 0).

Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QeOtQaOD46j4I3Ih46.

Last Updated: 20 Sep 2024 09:02 by Steven
Created by: Steven
Comments: 0
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request

I want to be able to dynamically enable/disable the Pan and Zoom functionalities at runtime. Currently, the Chart does not react to such changes.




A possible option for the time being is to dispose the component and re-initialize it after changing the Pan/Zoom properties: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mSuNQkEj10nSug2k22.

Last Updated: 16 Aug 2024 05:37 by ADMIN


Hi, I can't figure how to use the Min/Max properties of the ChartCategoryAxis because if I set these properties, the chart disappears.

Please help me.


@page "/"


        <ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Line" Name="Test" Data="@mesures"
                     Field="@nameof(Mesure.Value)" CategoryField="@nameof(Mesure.Date)" Aggregate="ChartSeriesAggregate.Sum">

        <!-- This is OK -->
        @*<ChartCategoryAxis BaseUnit="ChartCategoryAxisBaseUnit.Hours" Type="ChartCategoryAxisType.Date" BaseUnitStep="1"></ChartCategoryAxis>*@

        <!-- This isn't : nothing is displayed -->
        <ChartCategoryAxis Min="@MinDate" Max="@MaxDate" BaseUnit="ChartCategoryAxisBaseUnit.Hours" Type="ChartCategoryAxisType.Date" BaseUnitStep="1"></ChartCategoryAxis>


@code {

    private DateTime MinDate { get; set; } = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 13, 0, 0);
    private DateTime MaxDate { get; set; }   = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 17, 0, 0);

    public class Mesure
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }
        public int Value { get; set; }

    public List<Mesure> mesures = new List<Mesure>()
        new Mesure() { Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 13, 0, 0), Value = 1 },
        new Mesure() { Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 14, 0, 0), Value = 2 },
        new Mesure() { Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 14, 30, 0), Value = 3 },
        new Mesure() { Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 14, 35, 0), Value = 4 },
        new Mesure() { Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 15, 0, 0), Value = 5 },
        new Mesure() { Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 16, 0, 0), Value = 6 },
        new Mesure() { Date = new DateTime(2019, 01, 01, 17, 0, 0), Value = 7 },

Last Updated: 14 Aug 2024 13:08 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Christopher
Comments: 2
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
This is a feature request....please add box and whisker plot & sankey charts to your blazor and/or asp.net core chart controls.
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2024 18:37 by Richard
Created by: Oleg
Comments: 3
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request

It would be nice to be able to use Html markup in the ChartCategoryAxisLabel. 

I can see in the documentation that it currently doesn't support this. I am curious if it is possible. Thank you.

Last Updated: 11 Jul 2024 15:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Rajesh
Comments: 4
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
I would like to be able to create small size charts and thus implementing Sparkline Charts like in the Kendo suite would work.
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2024 09:16 by ADMIN
I would like to customize the appearance of the Chart markers. For example, in a Scatter Chart, I want to set different markers than the ones supported in the ChartSeriesMarkersType enum.
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2024 11:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Juan Angel
Comments: 2
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request

This functionality would be very useful for data analysis.

Moving the cursors within the chart itself, allows to define a range within the series, being able to offer useful data.



Cursors - Multisim Live            Cursors - Multisim Live

Last Updated: 31 May 2024 09:55 by Alfonso
Created by: Alfonso
Comments: 0
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request

I would like to synchronize several Charts, so when I move the mouse through one of them, the other two Charts show crosshairs at the same position as the first hovered Chart.




Prerequisite: Chart Crosshair

Last Updated: 22 May 2024 13:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Sylvain
Comments: 10
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request


I would like to be able to show / hide a serie by clicking to a legend.

Is there a way to do it actually ?

Last Updated: 15 May 2024 15:17 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Justin
Comments: 1
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request


Please consider a built-in way to add spacing (gaps, margins, etc.) between the segments of a Donut and Pie charts. The <ChartSeries> tag has such parameters, but they are used for other settings or other series types.

Currently, it is possible to achieve the desired appearance with custom CSS, but that requires knowledge about the Chart rendering.

Last Updated: 17 Apr 2024 11:35 by Michael
Created by: Michael
Comments: 0
Category: Charts
Type: Bug Report
The Chart Tooltip does not respond to the applied Globalization settings. In the Chart Globalization demo change the culture to German, hover over a data point of the Line series, and note that the decimal separator is a dot (".") and not a comma (",") as expected. 
Last Updated: 27 Mar 2024 13:42 by Chance Robertson
Created by: Chance Robertson
Comments: 0
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
I would like to use an event that fires when the user clicks on a Marker in the chart. I would like to get information on the clicked Marker so that I can customize its configuration settings, such as Color, Size, and other. 
Last Updated: 31 Jan 2024 12:11 by ADMIN
Created by: wu
Comments: 3
Category: Charts
Type: Feature Request
1 2 3 4 5 6