Last Updated: 24 Jul 2024 10:37 by Ronnie
Created by: Ronnie
Comments: 0
Category: RadialGauge
Type: Feature Request

The labels for the Telerik Chart expose a Template parameter. This parameter allows me to customize the labels. I want to use the same Template for the gauges as well.


This feature request applies to the Arc, Circular, and Linear gauges as well.

Last Updated: 27 Sep 2022 11:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Hourglass
Comments: 1
Category: RadialGauge
Type: Feature Request

In Telerik UI for Blazar, when using Radial Gauge control we are facing below issue:

In applying a two color gradient to the gauge. (Ideally we need a blue and green at the ends and want the curve to be filled with the respective gradient color) – Couldn't find a direct way to implement gradient on the radial gauge, Instead I tried the work around of mentioning five different colors to the gauge area, I could see a small white line between each color range. Is there a direct way to apply gradient to the radial gauge or to remove these little white lines that appears between the color ranges.

I have created the Telerik REPL for this issue - https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QmuqQFPp51q9XRbS07

Actual Output:       Attached          

Expected Output:  Attached