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Last Updated: 15 Jul 2024 12:46 by ADMIN

<TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="myValue" Format="C" SelectOnFocus="true">
the content of the input is not selected upon focussing.  Without the Format="C" it is.

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Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 14:14 by n/a

Redesign the highlighting of the range selection when selecting within an already selected range.

Current behavior:

The first click within an already selected range sets a new start date, and the second click in the selected period sets a new end date. This is ok but there is no highlighting (preview) of the new selection.

Expected behavior:

With the first click within an already selected range start the highlighting (preview) of the new selection.


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Last Updated: 27 Jun 2024 18:48 by Mauro
Created by: Hien
Comments: 12
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

I would like to be able to set the Id on any Blazor component for automated testing purposes.



If you need something different than automated testing selectors, please add your use case in the comments.

For automated testing, you can cascade selectors through a parent element (e.g., a div or span) that has the desired attributes (be that id, class, some data-* attribute, etc.). Adding ID parameters to Blazor components can easily make them brittle because they can be repeated and included in arbitrary hierarchy easily - that's the core concept of a razor component - so such IDs need to be unique, which defeats the predictability you will need for testing.

If you are interested in testing with Selenium, you may find useful this request: If so, Vote for it and Follow it so we can know there is interest, and so you can get status updates.

You can also Follow a separate enhancement for the Grid Command buttons here :


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Last Updated: 26 Jun 2024 13:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Henil
Comments: 1
Category: Drawer
Type: Feature Request
I want the option to resize the Drawer when dragging the right side.
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Last Updated: 17 Apr 2024 15:58 by ADMIN
<TelerikDateTimePicker Value="@AttendanceDTO.WorkScheduleEndTime"
                       ValueExpression="@(() => AttendanceDTO.WorkScheduleEndTime)"
                       ValueChanged="@( (DateTime d) => ChangeWorkScheduleEndTime(d) )"
                       Format="dd/MM/yyyy (dddd) HH:mm"
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Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024 10:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Eric
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

The current privot grid is a good start, but it is missing some key features.

  1. Being able to resize columns
  2. Have custom column and row header/footers
  3. Export to excel


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Last Updated: 11 Mar 2024 12:54 by ADMIN

For reasons unknown, our TelerikGrid rows all render with each <tr> element having the "k-alt k-table-alt-row" classes associated with them. This causes the background colour for each row to be the same, rather than alternating between two colours.

For example, the following block of code...

<TelerikGrid Id="@(Utility.CleanCssId("CrewGrid"))"
        <GridColumnMenuSettings Lockable="false" FilterMode="ColumnMenuFilterMode.None" />
        <GridPagerSettings InputType="PagerInputType.Buttons" PageSizes="@PageSizes" ButtonCount="5" Adaptive="false" Position="PagerPosition.Bottom" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(CrewListItem.Color)"
                    Width="@(IsLargeScreen ? "40px" : "50px")"
                    var item = (CrewListItem)context;
                    <M360ListColumnColor Color="@item.Color" IsLargeScreen="IsLargeScreen" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(CrewListItem.Name)" Title="@TMessages.Crew" OnCellRender="OnGridCellRender" VisibleInColumnChooser="false">
                    var item = (CrewListItem)context;
                    <div class="k-d-flex k-h-full @(IsLargeScreen ? "k-align-items-stretch" : "k-align-items-center")">
                        <M360ListColumnLink Url="@string.Concat("crew/", item.Id)" Text="@item.Name" EntityType="Crew" IsPrimary="true" />
        <GridColumn Field="@nameof(CrewListItem.DivisionsJson)" Title="Division(s)" Sortable="true" Visible="IsLargeScreen" OnCellRender="OnGridCellRender">
                    var item = (CrewListItem)context;
                    <M360ListColumnList Items="@item.Divisions.ToList()" />

...results in markup like this...

<tbody class="k-table-tbody" role="rowgroup">
    class="k-master-row k-table-row k-alt k-table-alt-row"
    . . .
    class="k-master-row k-table-row k-alt k-table-alt-row"
    . . .
    class="k-master-row k-table-row k-alt k-table-alt-row"
    . . .
  . . .

I can see that the "aria-rowindex" increments by two, yet the "data-render-row-index" increments by one. Are we missing something simple, yet crucial here? What could cause the skipping of rows during render?

Many thanks,


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Last Updated: 12 Feb 2024 12:18 by ADMIN

I use TelerikMultiSelect as a component for custom filter:

<TelerikMultiSelect Value="@(AlreadySelectedFilterValues(context.FilterDescriptor))"
OnChange="@((object newValue) => OnMenuFilterChange(newValue, context))"/>

Trying to render already selected filters gives two "magic" items in context.FilterDescriptor in AlreadySelectedFilterValues:

These items appear only if TelerikMultiSelect is empty. If I select some from MultySelect these two items disappear and everything works as expected.

GridState has an empty list of FilterDescriptos.
AggregatedAccountNames - string? column.
TFilterValues can be int, int? or string, no matter, the same behavior.
TFilterItemDto - class with int? Id and and string Name fields.

As expected value I expect to have empty FilterDescriptos if nothing was selected.

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Last Updated: 07 Feb 2024 12:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Benjamin
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report


As the subject says, when our app is on the Chinese localization `zh-CN` it causes the date picker to default. 

By default I mean the default date becomes 01 01 0001 and you cannot change it no matter what you select.


On any of our other localizations such as es-ES, en-US, fr-FR, etc. (zh-CN is the only one is what I'm getting at) we don't get this issue.

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Last Updated: 23 Jan 2024 16:04 by ADMIN
Created by: DRASKO
Comments: 3
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report

When adding / editing the last time slot for the day, SchedulerEditEventArgs has wrong End value.

For example Start value is 28.12.2023. 23:30:00 and end value is 28.12.2023. 00:00:00. Should instead be 28.12.2023. 23:59:59 or 29.12.2023. 00:00:00.


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Last Updated: 22 Jan 2024 10:05 by ADMIN
Created by: Yvonne
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report
I'm using Telerik UI for Blazor v4.6.0, the datetime picker can't pop up the calendar on Android, while its behavior is normal when on iOS. This error doesn't happen when I was using Telerik UI for Blazor v3.7.0.
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Last Updated: 18 Jan 2024 16:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Abirami
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report
When we scroll down to last row of the grid, it jumps back to 2nd row from last. So we cant see the last row data. This issue constantly occurs in Chrome browser and when we resize the browser, can scroll to the last row. 
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Last Updated: 05 Dec 2023 09:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Tareq
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

We have a form with multiple TelerikEditor controls bound via @bind-value. The issue arises when there are more than 2 TelerikEditors; the performance is significantly impacted for all input fields. Typing experiences delays, making fast typing impractical.

This performance degradation is attributed to the fact that the page undergoes frequent re-renders when typing into the input fields. Interestingly, this behavior does not occur when TelerikEditor is excluded from the form or page.

While the DebounceDelay property in TelerikEditor helps improve its performance, it does not extend its influence to other input fields in the form or page. Are you familiar with this issue, and do you have any recommendations for addressing or mitigating it?

Telerik 4.0.1

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Last Updated: 21 Nov 2023 06:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Kacper
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report


When I use TelerikDatePicker in my own component and the I use this component in Form, the validation for this input on the UI side doesn't work. The k-invalid class is not added, the appriopriate aria-invalid value is not set. The value on the TelerikDataPicker CascadedEditContext side is ok, an error message for this field appears after validation.

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Last Updated: 11 Oct 2023 11:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Joshua
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
The options available in the grid popup edit settings are very convenient because a substantial jump in complexity/effort is needed to use a custom edit form. It would be great to have additional parameters that correspond to the window position and draggable properties. 
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Last Updated: 05 Jul 2023 08:24 by ADMIN

Please add the option for the Multiselect to filter the same way the DropDownList does. It's very odd & confusing for end users (and bad UX) in a UI toolkit for similar controls to do things in different ways. Can you please add the ability for the Multiselect control to filter items in the popup window the same way the DropDownList does with the nice filter text box.

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Last Updated: 03 Jul 2023 16:36 by Víctor
Created by: Flavio
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Are you thinking about developing an app builder for Blazor to create a project and add telerik component and finally export it as Blazor app (server or wasm)?

(like this one develop from Infragistics
This tool export every single page as razor page.



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Last Updated: 03 Jul 2023 07:56 by ADMIN
Created by: Bernd
Comments: 3
Category: Form
Type: Feature Request

I often have the scenario where I need to switch from the autogenerated formitem to a templated version. Mostly because I need a different editor

For example:

<FormItem Field="@nameof(KeyValuesViewModel.Workplace)" LabelText="Workplace" EditorType="@FormEditorType.TextBox"/>

I create something like this:

                    <label for="WorkplaceInput">Workplace</label>
                    <TelerikMaskedTextBox Id="WorkplaceInput" Mask="aa aaaaaa" Enabled=@WorkplaceEnabled OnChange="OnWorkplaceChanged" @ref=@WorkplaceTextBoxRef />
                    <TelerikValidationMessage For="@(() => KeyValuesViewModel.Workplace)" />

It would speed up things if I just could use the "light bulb" and convert it. Instead coding it manually, copy, paste, edit the copied version. Over and over again.

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Last Updated: 22 May 2023 09:37 by ADMIN

Grid with columns price1 and price2. Enter value in price1, switch to price2, enter value there, and editor is set to old value after async events finish.

The value entered in price2 is correctly set to the property, but the editor reverts to the previous value. If you escape edit mode of the cell, the value entered before the events finish will be shown.

On (fast) tabbing and entering values, this removes the first values entered before the async background events finish.

I tried reproducing the problem in REPL, but could not get the exact same behaviour. In our case no specific value is being set to price2, it just reverts.


How would you approach preventing the editor from being overridden by other cells' delayed events?

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Last Updated: 27 Apr 2023 07:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Saurabh
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report

Filter option switch back to default option (Contains) after entering value in the textbox. 


Example - 

- screenshot-1 - Select from filter option - Startswith ; Then, enter value in text box.

- screenshot -2 - After user enter first character , atomically filter option switch back to Contains (from startswith).  



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