When a user invokes a Search tool, their intention is to directly write a text to search, therefore the edit for the search text should be focused immediately. In the current implementation, users have to manually focus the edit all the time, which is really inconvenient.
I want to detect when a user has added or removed an annotation in the PDF Viewer.
Please expose a parameter to show or hide the "Select files..." button inside the empty PDF Viewer.
Currently, a possible workaround is to use CSS. Additionally, you may configure the Toolbar to not include the "Open" tool.
.no-open .k-blank-page {
display: none;
/* Use these selectors if you want to separately target the upload or the dropzone */
/* .no-open .k-external-dropzone,
.no-open .k-upload{
display: none;
} */
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@PdfSource"
<PdfViewerToolBarDownloadTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarPrintTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSpacer />
<PdfViewerToolBarPagerTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSpacer />
<PdfViewerToolBarZoomTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSelectionTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarSearchTool />
<PdfViewerToolBarAnnotationsTool />
@code {
private byte[] PdfSource { get; set; }
private bool LoaderVisible { get; set; }
private async Task OnPdfOpen(PdfViewerOpenEventArgs args)
// Cancel the event for additional precaution in case someone bypasses the CSS and forces the page to show the button and the dropzone.
args.IsCancelled = true;
Related to PDF Viewer does not display editable Acro fields, which was fixed in version 8.0, but the problem with readonly Acro fields persisted.
This is a regression in version 7.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays all the acro field values as expected.
We still have some problems with printed pdf quality after the updates in 6.0.0. When pdf is printed using Telerik PDF viewer it seems it gets processed/rasterized and loses quality.
Acro field values don't show in the PDF VIewer, although they display in the print preview dialog.
This is a regression in version 7.0.0. Version 6.2.0 displays the acro field values as expected.
TELERIK edit: This public item originally concerned to all Acro fields. We fixed the problem for editable Acro fields, while the fix for readonly ones can be tracked at PDF Viewer does not display readonly Acro fields
Trying to upload a large file from a mobile device breaks the component.
Step to reproduce:
The issue can be reproduced only in version 8.0.0
The PDF Viewer fails to display the loaded document if StateHasChanged() is called when the Data parameter is set.
A possible workaround is to call await Task.Delay(...) after StateHasChanged()
Test Page (run this in a server app):
<h1>PDF Viewer Tests</h1>
<h2>Load Initially</h2>
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@FileData1"
<h2>Load On Demand</h2>
<TelerikButton ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Button.ThemeColor.Primary"
OnClick="@( async () => await LoadPdf(2) )">Load PDF</TelerikButton>
<TelerikPdfViewer Data="@FileData2"
@code {
private byte[]? FileData1 { get; set; }
private byte[]? FileData2 { get; set; }
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync()
await LoadPdf(1);
public async Task LoadPdf(int id)
await Task.Delay(1000);
if (id == 2)
FileData2 = Convert.FromBase64String(PdfBase64);
FileData1 = Convert.FromBase64String(PdfBase64);
await Task.Delay(300);
private const string PdfBase64 = "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";
Hello, I like the Telerik PDF Viewer for Blazor, but it's not supporting Table of Contents (TOC) links. I would like to request this feature so that there are links in the TOC automatically. I'm using Blazor WebAssembly.
Thank you for considering my request.
I want to have an option for digital signatures with browser-based certificate selection.
For the time being, you can use the following custom approach: Signing PDFs with PdfPRocessing in PdfViewer.
we are using the PDFViewer Component.
The zoom function usually works perfectly, both on mobile and desktop.
But there is one exception.
There is one scenario, where our PO got an crash, when he try to use ANY zoom functionality of the component.
He is using: