I previously raised an issue regarding the grid popup editor not linking the labels with the generated text inputs which was creating an issue with screenreaders. Since upgrading to version 7.1.0, I've seen that this issue has been fixed but in a way that breaks editor templates. Previously, the "for" attribute of the generated label was being set to the label text, but now everything is being set to a generated GUID.
This is fine for the generated fields since they can link the labels to the controls automatically (by setting the ID of the control to the GUID), but for templates, this means that we cannot link the generated label to the control since we cannot get access to the GUID in the template (as far as I know). Previously, when the "for" attribute on templates was the same as the label text, I could set the ID of the custom template control to the label text and the controls will be linked correctly.
For the time being, possible workarounds are: