Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 08:52 by ADMIN
Created on: 05 Jul 2024 13:54
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
better error handling when binding struct as data source (grid and possibly others)

I just spent hours trying to understand why my grid did not work and threw a "source can't be null" exception at me when I set data to a 100% initialized - not null - list of a struct type.. Eventually I figured that the struct was the problem and turning it into a class fixed it, but that was just by chance.

Please for the sake of developer sanity give this a proper check.

1 comment
Posted on: 12 Jul 2024 08:52

Hi Christian,

Thank you for your patience while we were reviewing the request.

I confirm that the struct type is not supported and this is documented. You can find it in the common section on how to provide data to our components. While we understand that the exception message doesn't clearly state that we do not support the struct type, we think that documenting it is sufficient. Additionally, we do not see the need to provide development effort for something that is not supported. In summary, we will not proceed with this request. As an additional documentation resource, we will prepare an article for the source can't be null exception, where we will state that this could be due to unsupported data type, so our clients can search for a solution to the exception they are facing.

Having this in mind, I am marking the request as "Declined".

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