Last Updated: 05 Jul 2024 08:55 by ADMIN
Created on: 01 Jul 2024 12:12
Category: Scheduler
Type: Bug Report
Nested TelerikGrid not rendering items


I'm building a Grid which contains a nested Grid in it's `<DetailTemplate/>`.

When I'm opening the details, the grid events fire, the data gets loaded correctly but the data doesn't show up in the UI. Using .NET 8 Blazor with Telerik UI for Blazor Version 6.0.2.


This is the grid containing the Grid (data here gets loaded correctly):

<TelerikGrid @ref="@_grid" TItem="ChecklistDetailModel" Pageable Page="@_settings.CurrentPageNumber" PageSize="@_settings.Limit" OnRead="@OnPageReadAsync" Width="100%" Height="100%">
        <LawAreaSelect SelectedLawAreaId="_settings.SelectedLawAreaId" SelectedCountryId="_settings.SelectedCountryId" OnLawAreaSelected="OnLawAreaSelected" Width="250px" />
        <CountriesSelect Value="_settings.SelectedCountryId" OnChangeCallback="OnCountrySelected" Width="250px" />
        <TelerikButton Icon="FontIcon.FileAdd" OnClick="OnCreateChecklistButtonClick" Title="@Localizer["ChecklistOverview.Create"]" />
        <GridColumn Title="ID" Width="50px">
            <Template Context="checklist">
                    var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
        <GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.LawArea"]">
            <Template Context="checklist">
                    var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
        <GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Country"]">
            <Template Context="checklist">
                    var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
        <GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Checklist.Revision"]">
            <Template Context="checklist">
                    var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
                    @if (model.RevisionName != null)
        <GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.ChecklistRevisionDate"]">
            <Template Context="checklist">
                    var model = checklist as ChecklistDetailModel;
                    @if (model.LastUpdated.HasValue)
            <GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.EditTools" OnClick="OnEditChecklistButtonClick" />
            <GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.PaperPlane" OnClick="OnAssignChecklistButtonClick" />
    <DetailTemplate Context="checklist">
        <CustomerChecklistGrid ChecklistId="checklist.Id" OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick="OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick" OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick="OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick" />

This is the `CustomerChecklistGrid` code inserted into the DetailTemplate of the Grid above:

<TelerikGrid @ref="_grid" TItem="CustomerChecklistModel" Pageable Page="_settings.CurrentPageNumber" PageSize="_settings.Limit" OnRead="OnPageReadAsync">
        <CustomerSelect OnCustomerSelected="OnCustomerSelected" SelectedCustomerId="_settings.SelectedCustomerId" Width="250px" />
        <GridColumn Title="ID" Width="50px">
            <Template Context="customerChecklist">
                    var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
        <GridColumn Title="@Localizer["Data.Customer"]">
            <Template Context="customerChecklist">
                    var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
        <GridColumn Title="@Localizer["ChecklistsOverview.CompletedOn"]">
            <Template Context="customerChecklist">
                    var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
                    @if (model.CompletedOn.HasValue)
        <GridCommandColumn Context="customerChecklist">
            <GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.EditTools" OnClick="OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync" />
                var model = customerChecklist as CustomerChecklistModel;
                if (!model.CompletedOn.HasValue)
                    <GridCommandButton Icon="FontIcon.PaperPlane" OnClick="OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync" />

This is the backing C# code for the grid:

public partial class CustomerChecklistGrid
    [Parameter] public int ChecklistId { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public EventCallback<CustomerChecklistModel> OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick { get; set; }
    [Parameter] public EventCallback<CustomerChecklistModel> OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick { get; set; }
    [Inject] public ICustomerChecklistService CustomerChecklistService { get; set; }
    [Inject] public IStringLocalizer<SharedResources> Localizer { get; set; }
    [CascadingParameter] public Routes App { get; set; }

    private CustomerChecklistSettings _settings = new();
    private PageResult<CustomerChecklistModel> _data = new();

    private TelerikGrid<CustomerChecklistModel> _grid;

    private async void OnPageReadAsync(GridReadEventArgs args)
        var newOffset = args.Request.PageSize * (args.Request.Page - 1);
        _settings.Offset = newOffset;
        _settings.CurrentPageNumber = args.Request.Page;
        var request = new CustomerChecklistRequestModel
            Offset = _settings.Offset,
            Limit = _settings.Limit,
            ChecklistId = ChecklistId,
            OrderBy = _settings.OrderBy,
            IsCompleted = _settings.IsCompleted,
            CustomerId = _settings.SelectedCustomerId

        _data = await CustomerChecklistService.GetPageAsync(request);
        args.Data = _data.Items;
        args.Total = _data.Total;

    private void OnCustomerSelected(int customerId)
        _settings.SelectedCustomerId = customerId;
        _settings.CurrentPageNumber = 1;

    private async Task OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        var customerChecklist = args.Item as CustomerChecklistModel;
        if (OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick.HasDelegate)
            await OnEditCustomerChecklistButtonClick.InvokeAsync(customerChecklist);

    private async Task OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClickAsync(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        var customerChecklist = args.Item as CustomerChecklistModel;
        if (OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick.HasDelegate)
            await OnNavigateToCustomerChecklistButtonClick.InvokeAsync(customerChecklist);

    private sealed class CustomerChecklistSettings
        public int Offset { get; set; }
        public int Limit { get; set; } = 25;
        public int CurrentPageNumber { get; set; } = 1;
        public int? SelectedCustomerId { get; set; }
        public bool? IsCompleted { get; set; }
        public string OrderBy { get; set; } = "customer";

This is a screenshot of the UI I'm seeing. I'm expecting data to show up in the inner grid, data gets loaded correctly (when debugging I see data is available), however no records are shown.

1 comment
Posted on: 05 Jul 2024 08:55

Hello Maximilian,

The provided code works on my side:

The problem is either in the app logic, or you need to provide a fully runnable test example, similar to mine.

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