Last Updated: 12 Sep 2023 12:27 by ADMIN
Created on: 12 Sep 2023 09:36
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
Reset Button Is not working with Grid - Custom Column Menu


The reset button is not working when we use the column template with the Telerik grid. How to solve this problem? Can you please send it example for reference?

Example Link :

Working Without Column Template


Not Working With Column Template




1 comment
Posted on: 12 Sep 2023 12:27

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the detailed description

Indeed, this is an existing issue. So far we had it logged internally, but since you are reporting it, I am converting it to a public bug report, so that others can see and track it too.

Please excuse us for any trouble this is causing you. Possible workarounds include:

  • Hide the non-working Reset button with CSS
.k-column-list-wrapper .k-actions .k-button + .k-button {
    display: none;


  1. Hide both buttons with CSS (remove the two .k-button classes from the above code).
  2. Remove all built-in Telerik tags from GridColumnMenuChooser Template. These are all GridColumnMenuChooserItem and GridColumnMenuChooserGroup tags.
  3. Implement your own column menu markup and logic that includes column checkboxes, labels and Apply/Reset buttons. Here is a related example that you can use for reference how to manage column visibility - standalone Grid column menu.

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