Recently a readonly attribute has been added to a number of input fields. This was a great addition. Thank you!
Would it be possible to add this attribute to Telerik Form?
<FormItem Enabled="false" ReadOnly="true"/>
Thanks, Dale!
Hi Dimo,
The problem is by just setting Enabled="false" users are not able to select the input box to continue copying data out of the field. ReadOnly was made available on all input boxes so we can continue to select and copy data from the field. It is possible to set up a template for each form item but that is a lot of extra work to do to make sure all fields are ReadOnly.
It is actually extremely rare I would ever want to have a disabled input that users cannot select and copy.
Hi Dale,
We have confirmed this as a valid feature request. However, can you explain why is Enabled="false" not suitable for your use case? Is it something related to the behavior, or appearance, or something else?
This will help us understand your problems and needs better.
Progress Telerik