I can't find a way to reliably set focus after a tab change.
In the sample below it first sets focus based on the OnAfterRenderAsync code, but switching to tab 2 and then going back I can't get it to set focus again.
I suspect its because there is no render type of event on a specific tab that I can hook into?
I have tried javascript and blazor and can't seem to figure a way around it.
@page "/test"
<TelerikTabStrip ActiveTabIndex="@TabActiveIndex" Height="87vh" Class="ct-tabstrip" ActiveTabIndexChanged="@TabIndexChanged">
<TabStripTab Title="Orders Search">
<input type="text" @ref=orderSearchTextBox id="test"/>
<br />
<input type="text" />
<br />
<input type="text" />
<TabStripTab Title="Orders Updated Today">
<text>Tab 2</text>
@code {
private ElementReference orderSearchTextBox;
private int TabActiveIndex;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await orderSearchTextBox.FocusAsync();
public async Task TabIndexChanged(int NewIndex)
TabActiveIndex = NewIndex;
if (NewIndex == 0)
await orderSearchTextBox.FocusAsync();