If I enter some characters in the ComboBox to filter it, the characters that I enter aren't shown and the filtering is not correct. Indeed, if I enter "ALU" (some of my data start with "ALU", no data appears.
Thank you for the sample. Indeed, something goes wrong with the value and with the filter in this case.
I moved this to the Feedback portal so you can Follow its status: https://feedback.telerik.com/blazor/1450330-filtering-combobox-in-a-window-doesn-t-work-in-2-6-1
Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik
Hi Marin,
in fact, the problem appears if the ComboBox is in a TelerikWindow. See code below to reproduce the behavior
@page "/"
<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => IsPopupVisible = true)">Afficher Popup</TelerikButton>
<TelerikWindow Class="window" Visible="@IsPopupVisible" Modal="true" Centered="true" Width="400px" Height="400px">
<TelerikComboBox Data="@ParentEntities" Value="@ParentEntityId" ValueChanged="@((args) => OnParentEntityChanged(args))" ValueExpression="@(() => this.ParentEntityId)"
TItem="ParentEntityDto" TValue="long?" ValueField="Id" TextField="Text" AllowCustom="false" ClearButton="true" Filterable="true" FilterOperator="@StringFilterOperator.Contains" />
<TelerikComboBox Data="@Entities" @bind-Value="@EntityId" Enabled="@(this.ParentEntityId.HasValue)"
TItem="EntityDto" TValue="long?" ValueField="Id" TextField="Text" AllowCustom="false" ClearButton="true" Filterable="true" />
<WindowAction Icon="@IconName.Close"></WindowAction>
@code {
private bool IsPopupVisible { get; set; } = false;
public long? ParentEntityId { get; set; }
public long? EntityId { get; set; }
protected IList<ParentEntityDto> ParentEntities { get; set; } = GetParentEntities();
protected IList<EntityDto> Entities { get; set; }
protected Task OnParentEntityChanged(object o)
var parentEntityId = (long?)o;
this.ParentEntityId = parentEntityId; // Necessary only if @bind-Value isn't used
if (parentEntityId.HasValue)
this.Entities = GetEntities(parentEntityId);
this.Entities = new List<EntityDto>();
this.EntityId = null;
return Task.CompletedTask;
private static IList<ParentEntityDto> GetParentEntities()
var parentEntities = new List<ParentEntityDto>();
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
string c = i.ToString();
parentEntities.Add(new ParentEntityDto { Id = i + 1, Text = $"{c}{c}{c}{c} / ({i + 1})" });
return parentEntities;
private static IList<EntityDto> GetEntities(long? parentEntityId)
var entities = new List<EntityDto>();
if (parentEntityId.HasValue)
entities.Add(new EntityDto { Id = 1, Text = "Entity 1", ParentEntityId = 1 });
entities.Add(new EntityDto { Id = 2, Text = "Entity 2", ParentEntityId = 1 });
entities.Add(new EntityDto { Id = 3, Text = "Entity 3", ParentEntityId = 2 });
entities.Add(new EntityDto { Id = 4, Text = "Entity 4", ParentEntityId = 2 });
return entities.Where(o => o.ParentEntityId == parentEntityId.Value).ToList();
return entities;
public class ParentEntityDto
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public class EntityDto
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public long ParentEntityId { get; set; }
Could you compare against this demo to see whether there is a difference that causes the issue: https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/combobox/filtering? With our latest release there is a filter operator parameter, and for the combo it defaults to Contains, and it is not case-sensitive.
Does the demo work for you? Can you show me some hardcoded data that does not work as expected so I can take a look?
Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik