@GridEditMode.Incell mode does not update automatically on row change when an editortemplate is used, as below
<GridColumn Field=@nameof(ProjectRankingInfo.Ranking.Option2) Title="@Option2Title" Width="120px" Filterable="false">
currentItem = context as ProjectRankingInfo.Ranking;
<TelerikNumericTextBox Max="10" Min="0" Step="1" @bind-Value=@currentItem.Option2 />
one must click the update button for the update to occur,
Incell works fine and updates on row change for simple grid columns
ADMIN EDIT: SOLUTION: Read the details in the following article: https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/components/grid/editing/incell#notes
ADMIN EDIT: this thread is rather long and I am adding the workaround offered by René here:
<TelerikGrid Data="@GridData" OnUpdate="@UpdateHandler"> ... </TelerikGrid>