Last Updated: 10 Jul 2024 15:52 by Bruno
Created on: 10 Jul 2024 15:52
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
Grid shows row placeholders during virtual scrolling when scrolling half a row

The Grid shows row skeletons in virtual scrolling scenarios when:

  • The Grid is scrolled half a row, but the Skip value in the Grid state is still zero.
  • The user filters while the Grid PageSize is greater than the total item count.

Test page: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mSkBaXkC50cEXmMB42

A possible workaround is to:

  1. Scroll the Grid to the top with JavaScript. This will trigger a new data request automatically.
  2. Reset the Grid state if the Grid is not scrolled, which will again trigger a new data request.

Example: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cSYrvEYW19htMCD934

Another possible solution is to disable the virtual scrolling at runtime if the total item count is too small: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mSOhvYuW47DaMk6c00