Last Updated: 05 Aug 2024 13:30 by ADMIN
Release 6.1.0
Created on: 03 Jul 2024 06:31
Category: Slider
Type: Bug Report
When Value is negative first click on the Left arrow increases the Value

When the Value of the Slider is initially set to a negative number and the user clicks on the left arrow after start, the value of the slider increases while it should decrease. A second click on the left arrow decreases the value correctly.


Initial state:

After first click on left arrow (you should expect the value of -300 here, but -200 is shown):

After second click on left arrow


1 comment
Nadezhda Tacheva
Posted on: 09 Jul 2024 10:30

Hi Tom,

Thank you for reaching out!

I updated the status of the item and rewarded your account with some Telerik points as a small gesture of appreciation for your report.

Nadezhda Tacheva
Progress Telerik

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