Last Updated: 20 Jun 2024 17:26 by ADMIN
Created on: 14 Jun 2024 15:07
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
Allow Editor Insert Hyperlink button to insert/update text of link

The Telerik Blazor Telerik Editor Insert Hyperlink functionality is not consistent with other Telerik Editor components and non Telerik Editors. Usually when dealing with Editors and the Insert Hyperlink feature, you can insert a hyperlink without need to select and convert existing text. You can also usually use the ctrl+k keyboard shortcut instead of clicking on the button. This does not work in the Telerik Blazor Editor.

The differences and lack of functionality has been raised as an issue by end users.

Expected Behaviour

  1. Ensure no text is selected. The Insert Hyperlink button should be enabled.
  2. Click the Insert Hyperlink button or press ctrl+k.
  3. Enter values for web address, text, tooltip and "open link in new window".
  4. Click insert. An anchor tag with the given text, link, etc. is created.

This can be reproduced on any of the Kendo UI for jQuery demo pages. It can also be reproduced within the editor on this very form.

Actual Behaviour

  1. Ensure no text is selected. The Insert Hyperlink button is not enabled and cannot be clicked.
  2. You must select existing text to be able to convert it to a hyperlink.

This can be reproduced on any of the demo pages that has the hyperlink button.