Last Updated: 21 Jun 2024 06:17 by ADMIN
Created on: 14 Jun 2024 11:10
Category: MultiSelect
Type: Bug Report
PersistFilterOnSelect and AutoClose leave a ghost filter that's tricky for user to get rid of

The ticket fixed a good usability issue with multiselect. Unfortunately, it creates a bug I ran into while starting to update my applications MultiSelects.

If you have PersistFilterOnSelect=true property set, but not AutoClose=false what happens is the user types '2' to filter the selection, selects something with the mouse and the drop down closes, but the filter doesn't clear so when next trying to select an item the old filter is still there, although it's not showing. The only way to clear the ghost filter seems to be to start typing a new thing to filter on and then backspace that which finally removes the ghost.

The docs kind of mention this with "To keep the filter upon selection, set the PersistFilterOnSelect parameter to true. It only applies when Filterable="true" and AutoClose="false"" but the ghost filter staying is clearly a bug. You can test this behaviour with a repl I made. Click the multiselect active, type for.ex. '2' and select an item with the mouse, the item is selected, the dropdown closed and the filter vanishes. Now click the multiselect again, the dropdown is already filtered as if '2' had been pressed, but it's not visible and can't be cleared without typing a new filter

Below is a screenshot where I typed 22 as the filter, selected Item 22 and then clicked the MultiSelect again

1 comment
Posted on: 21 Jun 2024 06:17

Hello Rami,

Thank you for explaining in such detail the behavior you are facing.

In general, the PersistFilterOnSelect parameter gives the ability to enhance the UX of the MultiSelect selection. Additionally, "selection" in the current context is the action, which happens during the user's interaction with the items in the dropdown. Therefore, the described configuration with AutoClose="true" is considered invalid because it is expected that closing the dropdown finalizes the current selection. In addition, persisting the filter due to selection is mainly focused on allowing the end-user to select multiple values matching the same filtering criteria.

In conclusion, the scenario can not be considered a bug, because the configuration has an ambiguity created by the AutoClose and PesistFilterOnSelect values. With this statement, I'm marking this item with a "Declined" label.

I hope the provided information serves you well. I remain at your disposal to provide more information about it.

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