Last Updated: 26 Sep 2024 13:56 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q4 (Nov)
Created on: 13 May 2024 06:47
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
Grid with OnRead event handler throws when a Grid column is bound to DateOnly and DateOnly? struct

I have the following Grid setup:

  • A Grid column is bound to DateOnly or DateOnly?
  • I have manually defined the OnRead event
  • Filter the DateOnly column, and to get the exception:
    • Serialize and deserialize the args.Request in the OnRead event handler with System.Text.Json OR
    • Page the Grid back and forth

Exception: System.ArgumentException: Operator 'IsEqualTo' is incompatible with operand types 'DateOnly?' and 'DateTime'

1 comment
Posted on: 25 Sep 2024 06:24

Hello everyone,

Upon reviewing the case, I believe the issue may not be directly related to the TelerikGrid component. The OnRead event arguments seem to return the correct DateOnly filter when the DatePicker value is changed.

> OnRead args.Request object

It seems the problem arises during the serialization and deserialization process, where the DateOnly value is being converted to DateTime.

> Same object value after the deserialization

This conversion changes the FilterDescriptor value type, causing a mismatch. Specifically, the ToDataSourceResult method expects filter descriptors for a DateOnly column, but after deserialization, a DateTime value is passed instead, which leads to the exception.

When the request object is passed directly to the ToDataSourceResult method without serialization, everything functions as expected. See:

Since this behavior appears to be related to the serialization process, I do not think it is not something we can resolve within the grid itself. With this in mind, I’ll go ahead and close this item.

Thank you for your understanding.

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