When the Upload has Initial Files, the RemoveUrl endpoint is not called when the user removes them from the UI.
The current workaround is to call the RemoveUrl in the Upload's OnRemove event handler. This is also applicable when you need to send additional custom data with the file name.
.razor file
@inject HttpClient HttpClient
<TelerikUpload OnRemove="@OnUploadRemove" RemoveUrl="@RemoveUrl" />
@code {
private string RemoveUrl { get; set; } = "api/upload/remove";
private async Task OnUploadRemove(UploadEventArgs args)
// code for non-initial files
// send optional custom data to the controller
args.RequestData.Add("requestKey", "custom value");
// code for initial files
// call the RemoveUrl
if (args.Files.First().Status == UploadFileStatus.Blank)
var multipartContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
multipartContent.Add(new StringContent(args.Files.First().Name), "files"); // "files" must match the RemoveField value
multipartContent.Add(new StringContent("requestKey"), "custom value"); // send optional custom data to the controller
await HttpClient.PostAsync(RemoveUrl, multipartContent);