I would like to be able to specify the week starting day when setting up the Telerik Calendar component.
Such as:
<TelerikCalendar FirstDayOfWeek=@DayOfWeek.Tuesday>
Hi Lee,
Thank you for the provided additional information and thank you for your patience.
The feature request is now open for votes and we will prioritize and plan it based on the community interest and the product management. You will receive status notifications.
Progress Telerik
Whether the developer or the user can set the first day of the week?
Well the developer would set the first day, but how I do it is by reading in a value configured by the user.
What is the exact case scenario - for example, the users are employees and they can change their view of the Calendar and set their preferred first day of week.
Why changing the current culture for the user is not desirable?
Why the application should display a different start day of the week in a single component?
To answer the above, my use case specifically, I have a setting that allows users to specify the weekending day in a settings screen. The reason being is because people run payroll on different schedules therefore instead of the Saturday being the weekending day it could be Sunday, therefore I need to be able to specify the 'First Day' as Monday when configuring the calendar. The catch is that there are some parts in the product that don't care about the week ending day therefore it is the usual Sunday - Saturday, hence why I would prefer to configure the calendar specifically instead of globally.
Hi Lee,
We reviewed and discussed this feature request with our team. We need some further clarifications so we can evaluate this request further:
Can you please describe:
Progress Telerik