Last Updated: 30 Jan 2025 11:57 by ADMIN
Created on: 18 Apr 2023 14:07
Category: Form
Type: Feature Request
FormGroup ColSpan
I was surprised to find that FormGroup doesn't have a ColSpan
Posted on: 30 Jan 2025 11:57

Hi Jason,

For the time being, you can do what I suggested previously in this thread in April 2023.

  • Use the Columns parameter of each FormGroup and set it to "2".
  • Set Columns="1" for the group that you want to span both form columns.


The generalized version of the above may sound like this:

  • Use the Columns parameter of each innermost FormGroup and set it to the largest possible number of columns that you will use anywhere in the Form.
  • Set Columns to a smaller number for the group(s) that you want to span "parent" columns.

I can't claim that this will cover all possible scenarios, but it's worth experimenting.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 29 Jan 2025 23:24
Is it possible to have a FormGroup, or form items within a form group, span multiple columns of the parent form?  I have tried both setting Columns=1 on the FormGroup, and ColSpan=2 on a FormItem within the group, but it does not change the appearance.
Posted on: 22 May 2024 19:47
Exactly what Leigh has pointed out below.  Please add ColSpan to FormGroups.
Posted on: 05 Apr 2024 00:29

I, too, have been struggling to get the form to look like I want it to. ColSpan for the formitems is great and I formerly used the <div> to get the look I wanted but that functionality was removed from the form a while back.

The code I would like to see is below. Allowing colspan on the form group (to span the columns defined on the form or parent form group) AND Columns to define another group that can have children that span ad represented in the first few lines. 

Flexibility of the TileLayout component (without the resizing) is where my mind goes. The first picture is UGLY but shows what I am trying to get the form to look like. The second picture is as close as I am going to get, it appears. The image as a FormItem won't work because it won't span multiple rows. So I will probably just add a button to the end of the input to popup up the image.

<TelerikForm Columns="3">
        <FormGroup ColSpan="2" Class="hide-legend">
            <FormGroup Columns="10" Class="hide-legend"  LabelText="2 of the 3 form columns with items that span full width">
                <FormGroup ColSpan="3" Class="hide-legend">
                    <FormItem Class="hide-legend">
                            <img />
                <FormGroup ColSpan="7" LabelText="Online Identification">
                    <FormItem Field="Name"></FormItem>
                    <FormItem Field="ProductURL"></FormItem>
                    <FormItem Field="ImageURL"></FormItem>
            <FormGroup ColSpan="1" Class="hide-legend" LabelText="1 column of data below">
                <FormGroup LabelText="Details">
                <FormGroup LabelText="Ratings">
            <FormGroup ColSpan="1">
                <FormGroup Class="hide-legend">
                    <FormGroup Columns="1" LabelText="Product Description">
                        <FormItem Field="Description">
                                <TelerikTextArea @bind-Value="@_editProduct.Description" Class="text-area-lg"></TelerikTextArea>
                    <FormGroup Columns="1" LabelText="Product Features">
                        <FormItem Field="Features">
                                <TelerikTextArea @bind-Value="@_editProduct.Features" Class="text-area-med"></TelerikTextArea>
                    <FormGroup Columns="1" LabelText="Package Contents">
                        <FormItem Field="PackageContents">
                                <TelerikTextArea @bind-Value="@_editProduct.Contents" Class="text-area-med"> </TelerikTextArea>
        <FormGroup ColSpan="1" LabelText="Product Specifications">
                    <ProductSpecTree Product="@_editProduct" OnSpecChange="UpdateSpec"></ProductSpecTree>
Posted on: 26 Apr 2023 12:25

OK, Stewart, I am confirming your feature request.

Posted on: 25 Apr 2023 09:26

Hi Dimo,


Thank you for your solution.

I would prefer not to have to wrap everything in form groups. I expect this to be a low-priority request but I would appreciate it being added to the backlog.


my use care is closer to this example


Posted on: 25 Apr 2023 08:15

Hello Stewart,

It sounds like this will serve your purpose - 

  • Use the Columns parameter of each FormGroup. and set it to "2".
  • Set Columns="1" for the group that you want to span both form columns.


Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 25 Apr 2023 08:08

Hi Dimo,


I was looking to have a form with 2 columns. I was trying to use form groups to split up different sections. I wanted the form group to span the entire width of the form but I could only have the form group be in one column. I do want each column in the form to have an even width.

Posted on: 25 Apr 2023 04:48

Hi Stewart,

Will this feature do the job for you, or you specifically need column spanning: Form columns with different widths

Can you show what is the exact UI that you need?

Progress Telerik

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