Last Updated: 13 Nov 2024 00:16 by Petr Jelínek
Created on: 13 Dec 2022 01:33
Category: Splitter
Type: Feature Request
Persist Splitter pane content after collapse and expand


I have a question regarding the persistence of content when blazor splitter panes are collapsed and expanded.

Please refer to the attached project to see the issue that I'm having.



Attached Files:
Petr Jelínek
Posted on: 13 Nov 2024 00:16


It is possible with set Size to 0px and Resizable to false.

<TelerikSplitter >
<SplitterPanes >
<SplitterPane @bind-Size="@MenuSize" Resizable="@ShowMenu" Collapsible="false">
<MainMenuUC @ref=@RefMenu></MainMenuUC>

private bool ShowMenu { get; set; } = true;
public string MenuSize { get; set; } = "200px";
private string MenuSizeOld { get; set; } = "200px";

private void ClickMenuHandler(object? sender, EventArgs e)
ShowMenu = !ShowMenu;
if (ShowMenu)
MenuSize = MenuSizeOld;
MenuSizeOld = MenuSize;
MenuSize = "0px";


Posted on: 07 Mar 2024 15:42
Yes this would be really helpful!
We don't want the component to lose its state when been collapsed and expanded.
Posted on: 13 Dec 2022 07:27

Hi Gerard,

Thanks for the runnable project. I am converting this ticket to a public feature request and we will evaluate it. (By the way, it's better to include explanations in the ticket, rather than the project.) I am pasting the important part here:

>> I'd like to have the content of a splitter pane persist between the collapse and expand events, but I don't see a property for this (similar to the PersistTabContent="true" property for the TabStrip component). 

In the meantime, my suggestion is to retrieve the TreeView Data and bind the component automatically in OnInitialized or another suitable event of TreeComponent.razor, so that there is no need to do it manually every time. If your main goal is performance and efficiency, you can even experiment with an implementation that stores or passes the TreeView Data from the parent component.

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