In my blazor application, I have to use a numeric box component . In order to do that, I have created a custom numeric box component like below. my issue is while I am typing something on the numeric box, time to time some characters are automatically getting cleared. I have to type those again and again .i don't know what is the issue behind this.
<span @onfocusin="@FocusComponentAsync" @ref="@InputWrapperRef">
<TelerikNumericTextBox Value="Amount"
ValueChanged="(decimal val)=>OnBlNumercChanged(val)"
private ElementReference InputWrapperRef { get; set; }
private decimal Amount;
protected override void OnParametersSet()
private async void OnBlNumercChanged(decimal value)
public async void OnNumericBoxKeyUp(KeyboardEventArgs e){
public async Task FocusComponentAsync()
await _jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("highlightInput", InputWrapperRef);
window.highlightInput = (inputWrapper) => {
var input = inputWrapper.querySelector("input");
if (!input) return;;