I am curious if you intend on offering any means of control for the height of an appointment cell within the scheduler. For us it is in the Timeline view with Resources. I have downloaded the source code and implemented the functionality myself and am willing to share my changes. It ultimately performs three functions:
1. Creates a new parameter on the SchedulerTimeViewBase.cs so that it is end user facing.
2. Alters the code in the ContentTableBase.cs to assign the AllDayAppointmentOuterHeight property with this new parameter's value (plus 1).
3. Alters the AppointmentRendererBase.cs to assign the AllDayAppointmentHeight property with this new parameter's value.
Additional changes are necessary to the Models and Interfaces.
We have used the JS version of this for several years and need the additional real estate on the scheduler. This is the only means that I could figure to alter the height as the position of the cells and resource rows are computed on the back end. Any alterations using a CSS class during OnItemRender will produce cells that overlap each other and/or overflow to subsequent rows.