Last Updated: 24 Feb 2022 17:59 by ADMIN
Created on: 21 Feb 2022 23:46
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Please re-create SiteMap control for Blazor
With Blazor Server we need a Site Map as we have with the ASP.NET controls. This will help with SEO and Semantic processing of websites.
Posted on: 24 Feb 2022 17:59

Hi Tavi,

Thank you for the follow-up and description of your use case, I appreciate it!

I understand the benefit of an automated tooling for sitemap generation. Alas, I have to confirm this is currently outside the scope of UI for Blazor as a UI library. Other products of ours such as UI for ASP.NET AJAX are more tightly coupled with their data binding and have dedicated DataSource components. UI for Blazor deviates from this concept and it also won't be able to generate a physical file (XML) from other physical files (.razor) or database records for app views.

Still, I hope you will be able to achieve the desired result.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 24 Feb 2022 17:36

Thanks, Dimo for getting back to me w.r.t. request. We don't currently have a site map of our website so we would need to create one based on your suggestion. Our marketing firm recommends that we deploy a sitemap as having one can enhance our SEO presence.

Do Sitemaps Help With SEO? Yep, Here’s How. | Helping Hand SEO

It would be great if an XML Sitemap file is automatically generated for you based on the controls used to build your website. 


Posted on: 24 Feb 2022 12:02

Hi Tavi,

Let me understand your request better. I assume you need two major features of a SiteMap component:

  1. Retrieve and parse a sitemap file. Then, bind to the parsed result.
  2. Render navigation links in a variety of layouts.

Generally, UI for Blazor is decoupled from the process of requesting and parsing data. From this point of view, the first point is outside the scope of the product.

On the other hand, if your focus is visualization and you are willing to parse the sitemap.xml file, then we provide UI components that can render the links, such as the TreeView and ListView. In both cases, use a template to render the page links as <a href="..."> tags.

Progress Telerik

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