Last Updated: 09 Feb 2022 17:30 by ADMIN
Created on: 04 Feb 2022 09:05
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Timeline control


is it possible to add control of vertical timeline like this (https://antblazor.com/en-US/components/timeline) with extra features like:

  • adding new items with button on top
  • inline edit
  • item selection
  • item actions

I also attached image of what i build based on control from link above, I would like to implement something similar with Telerik.

Maybe you can recommend some other controls to replace it with?

Thank you :)

Attached Files:
1 comment
Nadezhda Tacheva
Posted on: 09 Feb 2022 17:30

Hi Kinga,

We would most likely release a Timeline component that will support both horizontal and vertical orientation, so this can be customized as needed. You can take a look at the jQuery Kendo version to have on overview of the possible functionalities it can provide. Inline edit and item selection probably will not be included in version one but we can of course consider them based on the community interest and demand.

Currently, I cannot propose any other component that can deliver similar experience. However, if you need it in a short term, you might try wrapping the Kendo one in Blazor. You may take a look at the jQuery Kendo Widgets in Blazor sample app for guidance.

In the meantime, I added your vote to the request to increase its popularity as we are prioritizing the feature requests implementation based on the community interest and demand. As a creator, you are automatically subscribed and will receive email notifications on status updates.

Nadezhda Tacheva
Progress Telerik

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