Last Updated: 07 Feb 2022 09:42 by ADMIN
Created on: 31 Jan 2022 13:30
Category: TextBox
Type: Bug Report
OnChange event sometime loose input string updates

Good morning,

we are using `OnChange` event to catch user input updates when pressing Enter key. Sometimes the event attached valued is not updated.

Here the example: , I've attached also a video.



1 comment
Hristian Stefanov
Posted on: 07 Feb 2022 09:42

Hi Enrico,

It seems that the problem is fixed with the debouncing feature for textboxes. There is a default delay that sometimes can interrupt if the input is submitted faster. This feature comes with our 2.30.0 version.

The thing I can suggest here is to set the TextBox DebounceDelay parameter to "0". I have modified the provided example:

<div class="box-content" style="margin: auto;">
    <h4>Enabled TextBox</h4>

    <TelerikTextBox DebounceDelay="0" PlaceHolder="Type your message here" 
                    OnChange="@((object input)=> Console.WriteLine(input))">

    <h4>Disabled TextBox</h4>

    <TelerikTextBox Enabled="false" Value="Disabled"></TelerikTextBox>

Please run and test it to see the result.

I'm marking the current item as "Completed" as the problem is fixed with the debounce parameter. If there is still a problem, please let me know.

Hristian Stefanov
Progress Telerik

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