I would like to change the location of the Form Buttons. Instead of having them at the bottom of the form, I would like them to be at the top of the form.
Please allow customizing of the Form Buttons position.
If you want to position the Form Buttons on top of the Form you can try the following approach - use FormItem Template and place the desired buttons in it. For example:
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
<TelerikForm EditContext="@theEditContext" OnValidSubmit="@OnValidSubmitHandler" Width="200px">
<TelerikButton ButtonType="@ButtonType.Submit" Primary="true">Submit</TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton ButtonType="@ButtonType.Button" OnClick="@ClearButton">Clear</TelerikButton>
<FormItem Field="FirstName"></FormItem>
<FormItem Field="LastName"></FormItem>
<FormItem Field="DOB"></FormItem>
@code {
private void ClearButton()
person = new Person();
void CreatedEditContext(Person model)
theEditContext = new EditContext(model);
Person person { get; set; } = new Person();
EditContext theEditContext { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
person = new Person();
async Task OnValidSubmitHandler()
Console.WriteLine($"SAVING {person.FirstName} {person.LastName} who was born on {person.DOB}");
public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public DateTime DOB { get; set; }