Last Updated: 12 Jan 2022 14:32 by ADMIN
Release 3.0.0
Created on: 26 Jul 2021 09:25
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
EditMode missing "None" option

The TelerikGrid is kind of missing a "None" Value in the enum for the EditMode.

We need to disable the edit mode based on a value from the model (role access restricted), and I don't see any way this is possible without copy-pasting the entire grid under an if statement.


------ADMIN EDIT-------

A possible workaround at the moment is to set the "Editable" parameter of the columns to "false" or not use a command column with "edit".

Another workaround can be to attach a OnEdit handler and cancel the event based on the view model flag only. If the user cannot edit - always cancel.