Last Updated: 08 Nov 2021 20:41 by ADMIN
Scott Mappes
Created on: 09 Feb 2021 08:26
Category: TileLayout
Type: Feature Request
Command buttons in the tile header that work with draggable and provide built-in close and minimize

When using my own buttons in the header template, and I have Reorderable=true, the tile layout consumes mouse events and clicks on my buttons don't always work. I would like to have the tile layout provide command buttons that can work in this scenario that let me handle their clicks reliably.

The functionality I am after is closing an minimizing tiles, so built-in actions for that like with the window would be nice. Perhaps tile items could get a Visible parameter like the grid columns and that could also go in their state.

Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 08 Nov 2021 20:41

Hi Curt,

You can Follow such a feature here: https://feedback.telerik.com/blazor/1489011-how-to-know-which-indiviadulal-tileitem-was-resized-tag-parameter-on-the-tile. I added your Vote for you to raise its popularity.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 08 Nov 2021 20:36

When saving the "state" of the tiles, I need to know the content of the tile (component), even if it's just an ID that I assign myself. 

I'm making a configurable dashboard where a supervisor can make a dashboard for a specific work center out of a set of available tiles (components).  When the supervisor has resized, and dragged/dropped the tiles (components in the tiles) where they want them, I need to save the state of the tile (using colspan, rowspan, and order AND ID).  I think it would be simple enough so that if the "TileLayoutState", contained the "ID" of the content (in my case a component) when saving state, I could associate the component with the tile being saved.  As it stands, I can save the order of the tiles, but I have no idea what's in them when they're re-arranged.   It appears if a collection of tiles is used, the underlying order of the items in the collection is not updated when a drag/drop is performed. 

Adding the ability to know the tile content of of a tile via an ID would make this control so much more powerful.  

Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 10 Aug 2021 20:06

Hello all,

I added your votes to this enhancement request for a Visible parameter: https://feedback.telerik.com/blazor/1531007-add-a-visible-parameter-for-the-tilelayoutitem. It is a must for such a button to be implemented ,but buttons may be implemented without it as well, so let's track these separately. So, you may want to go and click the Follow button there too.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

Love the Telerik and Kendo UI products and believe more people should try them? Invite a fellow developer to become a Progress customer and each of you can get a $50 Amazon gift voucher.

Scott Mappes
Posted on: 11 Feb 2021 13:51
Also in my case I would like the ability to add custom buttons in the Tile Header, not just the standard window buttons like Close, Minimize, and Maximize.  Perhaps the tile item could expose one or more Template areas within the tile header to facilitate this.  Then one could specify any content there they wished.  What ever space is remaining in the Tile item could be the region where a user could "grab" the Tile and begin the movement operation.  It might even be nice to some style this remaining header regions to indicate that it is the area to user for moving it.