Hello Dale,
I confirm that we will implement spellcheck and autocapitalize for some of the coming releases. For the time being, autocorrect is a non-standard attribute, so we can't introduce it.
In general, if some HTML attribute is critical and urgent for you, you can temporarily replace the component with its HTML rendering and have full control over it:
<span class="k-textbox k-input k-input-solid k-rounded-md k-input-md">
<input placeholder="..." class="k-input-inner" />
Progress Telerik
autocorrect, and
autocapitalize would also be helpful to have exposed.
Any updates on this request? The spell checkers in browsers have become very disruptive to inputs lately. It would be nice to be able to turn this off as needed. It doesn't look like there is a simple workaround for this issue other than not using telerik controls. It shouldn't be difficult to expose this functionality.
This should be added to TelerikForm, TelerikTextbox & TelerikTextarea as well as any other input that already implements AutoComplete="off"