At the moment, the splitter does not re-render when these events occur in order to improve performance. Thus, changing parameters of child components in those events does not have effect - it happens with "one event delay" because they do not re-render immediately.
For the majority of cases, responsive design (such as width and height set to 100%) will let the browser redraw the content as necessary.
our usage of splitter requires a child conponent adjust its height based on the resized pane from splitter, using Parameter to pass height works with UI element binding (see the TelerikTextbox), no need to trigger StateHasChanged.<TelerikTextBox @bind-Value="@height"></TelerikTextBox>
<div style="margin: 0; padding: 0; border-width: 0; height: 90vh;" >
<TelerikSplitter Orientation="@SplitterOrientation.Vertical" Height="100%" Width="100%" OnResize="OnSplitterResized" OnCollapse="OnSplitterCollapsed" OnExpand="OnSplitterExpanded">
<SplitterPane Class="k-pane-flex" Min="0px" Max="600px" Collapsible="true">
<ChildDiv Height="300px"></ChildDiv>
<SplitterPane Class="k-pane-flex" Size="300px" Min="0px" Max="600px" Collapsible="true">
<ChildDiv @ref="childDiv" Height="@height"></ChildDiv>
@code {
private string height = "300px";
private ChildDiv childDiv;
public async Task OnSplitterResized(SplitterResizeEventArgs args)
height = args.Size;
await childDiv.Repaint();
public async Task OnSplitterCollapsed(SplitterCollapseEventArgs args)
if(args.Index == 0)
height = "600px";
await childDiv.Repaint();
public async Task OnSplitterExpanded(SplitterExpandEventArgs args)
if (args.Index == 1)
height = "300px";
await childDiv.Repaint();
<div style="border:solid; height: @Height">
Child div, Height: <span>@Height</span>
@code {
public string Height { get; set; }
public async Task Repaint()
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);