I am using a TelerikTreeList with an EditorTemplate with a TextBox for one of it's columns.
If i am adding a new object to the TreeList and begin typing in the cell with the EditorTemplate the cell is losing focus more or less on keystroke. (If you're typing quite fast it might be 2 or 3 characters before it loses focus.)
If i am editing an existing object the concerned cell doesn't lose focus.
If i change the binding of the TextBox in the EditorTemplate from "bind-Value" to "Value" it is working but i want to use the two-way-binding of the TextBox.
I have a similar UI with a grid instead of TreeList which is working fine with the TextBox in the EditorTemplate.
I Attached an example project to reproduce the problem.
I tested with google chrome, mozilla firefox and microsoft edge and i had the same problem in alle 3 browsers.
best regards