I have a numeric text box that is bound to a nullable int. There is also a combo box on the page that will auto set the value and disable the numeric text box if certain values are selected. as follows:
<TelerikComboBox Data="@TareTypes"
TextField="Name" ValueField="Id"
ValueExpression="@(() => Material.TareTypeId)"
ValueChanged="@((int? e) => TareTypeChanged(e))"
Placeholder="Tare Type" ClearButton="true"></TelerikComboBox>
<TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@Material.TareWeight" Arrows="false" Enabled="@tareWeightEnabled" ></TelerikNumericTextBox>
and the code...
private void TareTypeChanged(int? tareTypeId)
Material.TareTypeId = tareTypeId;
tareWeightEnabled = true;
if (tareTypeId > 0)
var tareTypeWeight = TareTypes.Single(t => t.Id == tareTypeId).Weight;
if (tareTypeWeight.HasValue)
Material.TareWeight = tareTypeWeight;
tareWeightEnabled = false;
the following steps should reproduce the problem