Last Updated: 09 May 2024 12:23 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created on: 19 Aug 2020 06:42
Category: TreeList
Type: Feature Request
Support for row virtualization
I would like the TreeList to support row virtualization. It will be useful when working with large data.
Posted on: 07 Feb 2024 09:02

We are waiting for this very important feature !

I hope that will evolve soon !




Posted on: 30 Jan 2024 18:14

Hi Niels,

As far as I can see, this was a side effect of some GitHub issue reshuffling. Sorry about the spam.

The actual status remains the same, but there is a possibility for us to schedule the feature for implementation later in 2024. Please treat this information as preliminary and unofficial. The status label is the single source of truth.

Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our public roadmap and feedback portal pages! Or perhaps, if you are new to our Telerik family, check out our getting started resources!
Niels Døssing
Posted on: 30 Jan 2024 10:42

The status of this feature request is fluctuating wildly these days ;-)

Would you care to account for the actual status?

Thanks, Niels

Niels Døssing
Posted on: 28 Nov 2023 09:53
Performance of the TreeList and TreeGrid components is a huge topic for us, so we are also (still) very interested in a solution that does not force us to use paging.
Posted on: 28 Nov 2023 09:43
Yes we also need this urgently. Our "treeview" needs to support viewing over 10M objects, where sometimes a single brancg may have 10K children. These are loaded throug an API, so it is a big no-no to query for all 10K of these objects at once as the enduser will not be able to display them all on a screen anyway.
Hristian Stefanov
Posted on: 10 Feb 2023 11:28

Hi Huy,

I confirm the feature status is still "Unplanned" at this stage. That means no specific time frame is assigned yet. As soon as we move a task to the short-term backlog, the status will change to "Planned" and most likely a release number will appear as well.

Things are dynamic, and the best way to stay updated with the feature status is to keep following the public item here.

If we can assist with more information, I would be glad.

Hristian Stefanov
Progress Telerik

Learn about the important changes coming in UI for Blazor 4.0 in January 2023!
Posted on: 04 Feb 2023 02:22
Hi I have large data and would like to have this feature. Any planned on this?
Posted on: 01 Dec 2021 03:15
Yes - upvote la