Last Updated: 27 Oct 2023 13:28 by ADMIN
Release 5.0.0 (15 Nov 2023) (R1 PI1)
Created on: 24 Jul 2020 15:11
Category: Grid
Type: Bug Report
Popup Editing validation message falls on several lines when it begins with a 1-2 character word

Here's the reproducible:

@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
@* Used for the model annotations only *@

<strong>REPRO: activate the validation for the Name field to see the issue - click Save with an empty input</strong>

<TelerikGrid Data=@MyData EditMode="@GridEditMode.Popup" Pageable="true" Height="500px"
             OnUpdate="@UpdateHandler" OnDelete="@DeleteHandler" OnCreate="@CreateHandler">
        <GridCommandButton Command="Add" Icon="add">Add Employee</GridCommandButton>
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(SampleData.ID) Title="ID" Editable="false" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(SampleData.Name) Title="Name" />
            <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete">Delete</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>

@code {

    public class SampleData
        public int ID { get; set; }

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "aa something else")] // the first word is 1 or 2 characters to show the issue
        public string Name { get; set; }

    async Task UpdateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        SampleData item = (SampleData)args.Item;

        // perform actual data source operations here through your service

        // if the grid Data is not tied to the service, you may need to update the local view data too
        var index = MyData.FindIndex(i => i.ID == item.ID);
        if (index != -1)
            MyData[index] = item;

    async Task DeleteHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        SampleData item = (SampleData)args.Item;

        // perform actual data source operation here through your service

        // if the grid Data is not tied to the service, you may need to update the local view data too

    async Task CreateHandler(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        SampleData item = (SampleData)args.Item;

        // perform actual data source operation here through your service

        // if the grid Data is not tied to the service, you may need to update the local view data too
        item.ID = MyData.Count + 1;
        MyData.Insert(0, item);

    public List<SampleData> MyData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        MyData = new List<SampleData>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            MyData.Add(new SampleData()
                ID = i,
                Name = "Name " + i.ToString()

1 comment
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 24 Jul 2020 15:15

Here is a workaround:

    .k-window-content .k-edit-form-container .validation-errors {
        clear: both;


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik