Last Updated: 28 Feb 2020 08:04 by ADMIN
Created on: 25 Feb 2020 20:40
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Documentation on how to correctly use the theme stuff

Hi there,

i'm struggling with kendo theming. I'm trying to implement a material ui with telerik ui for blazor. I did follow the steps in the getting started pages but i'm getting a half baked ui which is missing essential parts like the focus animations for textboxes like shown in the textbox demo:

My recent approach was to compile the files in the kendo theme Git repository but these also don't work.

What am i doing wrong? How exactly did you achieve the full material experience in the demos?

So lonG


Posted on: 27 Feb 2020 22:18

Hi Martin, 

>> the animated bottom border being available for the TextBox only when it has a Label

That was the information that was missing. Works like a charm now! Thank you for the support.

So lonG


Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 27 Feb 2020 13:15

Hello Daniel,

I am attaching here a sample server project that references the material theme and seems to be working as expected for me (I am attaching a short video of the behavior you can expect - the animated bottom border being available for the TextBox only when it has a Label).

Your Vote for implementing this animation is also added (it is not implemented at the moment, the textbox label is a little experimental):


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

 UI for Blazor
Posted on: 26 Feb 2020 20:52
Hi Marin, thanks for the reply. I've read these documents numerous times already and followed the steps but to no avail. Icannot get the animated focus effect working. Could you please post the full source code of the demo so i can compare and find out what is missing on my side? That would be nice. So lonG Daniel
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 26 Feb 2020 13:23

Hi Daniel,

With our latest release we added a lot of docs on custom themes through code, so I'd encourage you to review this article once more, it has tons of new content:

On built-in themes such as the Material - please also review this article which we updated with new information and features (namely, the themes being available as Static Assets):

On the animated border - you can Vote for and Follow its implementation in the following page:

So, to summarize, to use our Material theme, the easiest way is to do this:

for 2.8.0 and later:

for a commercial license


<link href="_content/telerik.ui.for.blazor/css/kendo-theme-material/all.css" rel="stylesheet" />


for a trial license:


<link href="_content/telerik.ui.for.blazor.trial/css/kendo-theme-material/all.css" rel="stylesheet" />


for all versions, you can use the CDN:


<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

This is also what our live demos use when you switch the theme to Material, there is nothing additional for our components on our demos in that regard.

Does this help you move forward? What other information would you need?


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

 UI for Blazor