Last Updated: 19 Aug 2024 11:42 by ADMIN
Created on: 12 Dec 2019 21:55
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Diagram like Kendo UI



We are looking to port an angularjs web application to Blazor and I didn't see the diagram component similar to the one found in Kendo UI. It would be nice to see a viso-like component in UI for Blazor.

Thank you.

Hristian Stefanov
Posted on: 19 Aug 2024 11:42

Hi Marco,

Thank you for expressing your interest in this request.

We’re currently in the planning phase, and since this item has relatively high demand, there’s a chance it will be included. Stay tuned for more status updates.

Hristian Stefanov
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 19 Aug 2024 07:47



Is there any progress about Diagram component for this year?


Best regards

Posted on: 05 Dec 2023 10:43

Hello Rudi and everyone who is following this request,

For the first half of 2024, our development will be focused on the SpreadSheet, which is a bit more popular than the Diagram in terms of demand. (The SpreadSheet is also quite a big task.) After we release it, we can turn our attention to the Diagram as the next most popular request.

The status of this item reflects the official information and status that we can share.

Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our public roadmap and feedback portal pages! Or perhaps, if you are new to our Telerik family, check out our getting started resources!
Posted on: 29 Nov 2023 07:43


Is there any progress about this component for 2024?

Best regards

Posted on: 24 Jul 2023 15:59

We have also been waiting for a native Blazor diagram component from Telerik for a number of years now.  I understand the timelines and feature priority but we had a real need to move forward on this.  We ended up using an open source component for the time being until one becomes natively available from Telerik.  We love the Telerik components but the diagram component keeps getting pushed with no hard indication of when it will be available.  If anyone is interested in what we ended up using for the time being, it is at github.com/Blazor-Diagrams.

Once the diagram component is available from Telerik we will certainly take a look at it, but until then the source above is working more or less exactly how we need it to.  Hope this helps anyone with a similar time-crunch requirement.




Nadezhda Tacheva
Posted on: 24 Jul 2023 13:26

Hello Adrian,

Due to changes in the roadmap and rescheduling of items for 2023, the Diagram has been moved out of the R3 2023 increment. At this stage, I am not able to provide a firm estimate for its implementation. However, the planning for 2024 is coming up and we will take the demand for this component into consideration.

The best way to follow its progress is to subscribe for the item. Thus, you will be notified via email as soon as the Diagram is scheduled for a specific release.

For the time being, theonly option I can suggest is using the Kendo Diagram in your Blazor application.

Nadezhda Tacheva
Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our public roadmap and feedback portal pages! Or perhaps, if you are new to our Telerik family, check out our getting started resources!
Posted on: 17 Jul 2023 18:27


Has there been any progress on having the Diagram in Blazor UI? Is it still scheduled for R3 2023?

We need to develop a new diagram component in our application and might have to look elsewhere besides Telerik.

Nadezhda Tacheva
Posted on: 27 Jun 2022 13:37

Hi Taylor,

The Diagram component is not included in our short-term planning. We are targeting it for implementation around R3 2023. The easiest way to keep in track with the progress of the component is to follow the current item, so you receive email notifications on status updates. Once we schedule the implementation of the Diagram component for a specific release, we will update its status and you will be notified via email accordingly.

If the component is crucial for the migration of your application, you might consider using the Kendo Diagram widget in the native Blazor application as my colleague, Marin, suggested in his last post. You can check our sample demonstrating how to use jQuery Kendo Widgets in Blazor.

Nadezhda Tacheva
Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.

Posted on: 22 Jun 2022 14:33
Is there any update on the RadDiagram for Blazor? I'd salivating at the thought.
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 26 Jun 2021 15:24

Hi David,

A diagram component will be added to the Blazor suite. To know when, make sure to click the Follow button on the Feedback Portal page.

In the meantime, you can consider using the Kendo Diagram widget as described here.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 23 Jun 2021 07:39



Please could you update on the feasibility (or not) of a diagramming feature (like an ERD) being added to Telerik Blazor ? 

Any info appreciated.


Kind Regards


Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 20 Apr 2021 06:01

My apologies, Robert, for sounding like that. My goal was to explain why it is not close to the top and why we can't commit to a date yet through objective facts.


Posted on: 20 Apr 2021 03:13

Hi Marin. That's why I said "one of the most popular." A snappy comeback was not necessary, I was simply registering my support for getting this added to the roadmap for sometime this year.


Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 19 Apr 2021 06:51

Hi Robert,

Until a Blazor diagram is avaialable, you can use a Kendo Diagram in a fashion similar to this sample: https://github.com/telerik/blazor-ui/tree/master/common/kendo-in-blazor.

At the time of writing, the diagram component is, in fact, not in the Top 5 (without counting those we've already implemented) and it is not even in the Top 10 requests. This is why it is not yet on the roadmap. Things like a gantt, wizard, file select, breadcrumb, responsive design, accessibility improvements need to take precedence because they have a bigger demand and impact. We need to prioritize tasks based on many factors and how they affect our entire customer base.

Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 17 Apr 2021 21:00
Would really like to see this in a release in the next few months... this is one of the most popular requests that has not been released yet and is also not on the roadmap.
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 30 Mar 2021 14:14

Hello Kasper,

The best way to know when a diagram component gets implemented is to click the Follow button on this page. When we know which release will contain it, we will update this page, and you will get an email notification.


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

Love the Telerik and Kendo UI products and believe more people should try them? Invite a fellow developer to become a Progress customer and each of you can get a $50 Amazon gift voucher.

Kasper Axelsen
Posted on: 30 Mar 2021 10:09
Any news here
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 16 Nov 2020 08:51

Hello Anders,

I've created a private thread for you so our sales team can discuss the options with you.


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.

Posted on: 16 Nov 2020 07:26
Thanks for the info Marin,
But what if the company I'm working with only got the Blazor license. Is it even possible to use Kendo UI for jQuery?
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 12 Feb 2020 11:07
For anyone interested in such a component, you can consider using the jQuery Kendo diagram in the meantime: https://docs.telerik.com/blazor-ui/knowledge-base/jquery-kendo-in-blazor