Last Updated: 05 Dec 2019 13:30 by ADMIN
Release 2.5.0
Created on: 15 Nov 2019 14:32
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report
TelerikAnimationContainer's ShowAsync() won't work in some cases

I have an animationcontainer which I in overridden OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) call:

                await AnimationContainerSettings.ShowAsync();

...since it is the only way to show the AnimationContainer from start. However, when I in some cases return to the page, the animationcontainer will only show itself if I delay the call with e.g. 1000 ms:

                await Task.Delay(1000);
                await AnimationContainerSettings.ShowAsync();

What could be possible reasons for this be? If I want my AnimationContainer to be visible as default when page is either Initialized or after rendering has occured, where and how should I call ShowAsync()?



1 comment
Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 18 Nov 2019 15:38

Hi Sten,

AnimationContainer throws an exception during pre-rendering when Top or Left are set - it has to set them through JS Interop and that can't be done that early. We have it on our radar to fix.


Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

 UI for Blazor