ADMIN EDIT: see the title and the discussion on how this would be handled, it is not going to be a separate property.
As in e.g. WPF/UWP, it would be convenient to get the "actual width" of a component in order to arrange other elements to follow the same width (or height).
Consider a TelerikDropDownList with Width="100%" and I want the PopupWidth to have same width (PopupWidth="100%" will not result in same).
<TelerikDropDownList Width="100%" PopupWidth="@(Dropdown?.Width)" @ref="Dropdown" DefaultItem="@(new Country{Name ="Select..."})" Data="@Countries" ValueField="Abbreviation" TextField="Name" PopupHeight="400px" @bind-Value="@Employee.ContactDetails.CountryCode"></TelerikDropDownList>
public TelerikDropDownList<Country, string> Dropdown { get; set; }
Here, I would like to set PopupWidth as below, to avoid the result in attached image.