Last Updated: 18 Nov 2022 10:25 by ADMIN
Created on: 23 Oct 2019 18:49
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Specify which grid lines to display

It would be helpful in some cases to specify which grid lines to display with a default of both:

None - No lines

Horizontal - Only horizontal row lines

Vertical - Only vertical column lines.

Both - H/V lines

Posted on: 18 Nov 2022 10:25

Florent - you are seeing the overflow ellipsis. This means that the checkbox column is too narrow, so increase its Width a little.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 13 Nov 2022 23:09

Hi Marin,

you solution works indeed just fine. But if I use your providedd css and use the CheckBoxSelector column at the same time, then I get some weird dots on the UI, check the provided screenshot. Any ideas how to fix that?

Marin Bratanov
Posted on: 24 Oct 2019 06:41

Hello Patrick,

You can use CSS for that without the need for extra parameters that would weigh down the component.

Here's a tutorial that can help anyone finding this page get started with how table styling works:

Here's a basic example you can step on to implement further customizations as required by your designs:


    div.noBorders table td,
    div.noBorders table th {
        border: 0;

    div.bottomBorder table {
        border-collapse: collapse;

        div.bottomBorder table td,
        div.bottomBorder table th {
            border-bottom: 2px solid yellowgreen;

        div.rightBorder table td,
        div.rightBorder table th {
            border-right: 2px solid lime;

<TelerikGrid Data=@MyData Class="noBorders bottomBorder rightBorder" Pageable="true" Height="500px">
        <GridCommandButton Command="Add" Icon="add">Add Employee</GridCommandButton>
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(SampleData.ID) Title="ID" Editable="false" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(SampleData.Name) Title="Name" />
            <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete">Delete</GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</GridCommandButton>

@code {
    //in a real case, keep the models in dedicated locations, this is just an easy to copy and see example
    public class SampleData
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public List<SampleData> MyData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        MyData = new List<SampleData>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            MyData.Add(new SampleData()
                ID = i,
                Name = "Name " + i.ToString()



Marin Bratanov
Progress Telerik

 UI for Blazor